Day 1 - Bootstrapping (Feb 9, 2015)
I will try to post short review each day!
We arrived to Matera by bus around 11AM, having few hours delay caused by relatively heavy snow and very hard driving conditions. First surprise jumped at us right away, as we walked around unknown to us place, where the bus stopped, we stumbled upon unMonasterians good old friend Damiano :) He happened to go out to buy some oranges and in miraculous way we received very warm greeting from him. Since we started running late for a meeting with the owners of the Casa where we stay now, he generously offered us getting his car from garage and giving us lift to the other part of town!
Once arrived at Casa Vacanze, we received another warm meeting from its owners. After short tour around the house and discussing all we needed to know, I started cooking a simple lunch from minimalistic package of ingredients, which they have brought for our landing. They didn’t stay for lunch so we ate quickly, feeling very hungry after 24h (me) and 16h (@mstn) travel. Monday 1PM and both of us ready to rock!
Traditionally we landed in a place with no internet connection. Knowing that beforehand we already arranged with another good old unMonasterians friend Squalo, that we will pick a 3G router from him. We walked through Sassi in surprisingly strong wind and little snow. A rather big film crew had their trucks all over and group of actors wearing costumes wondered around. Of course it made us think of our dear brother @Bembo_Davies right away. Also on that trip we a took photo with two camels, which became popular online very quickly 
When we arrived to place where Squalo lives, we didn’t find him here, but our dear friend @RitaO happened to pass by and we enjoyed yet another round of warm welcoming
During our short chat we discussed picking up wireless antennas, which I brought as gift from Freifunk Berlin and tried in last few weeks pass it to emerging Ninux Basilicata community also active in Matera. I guess because of lunch time, we spotted Raffaella passing by and had very quick chat with her, while she waited for a bas on Linea Sassi.
We decided to visit friends from Casa Netural next, where we received another warm greeting and had chance to to catch up with surfing online. Luckily Squalo have send us a message with details of where and when we can meet him. It turned out that he stayed at Open Lab Matera. We rushed there to meet him and to our great joy, we also got to see Mimi and our beloved unBrother @Marc. Guess what… another round of very warm greetings <3 To make it even more funny, when we went online there, I had online chat with @julianavanh, who I’ve just met in Berlin during unMonastery Summit @Transmediale and who mentioned plans of visiting Matera very soon, some more proxying of (e-)greetings happened.
Marc reminded us that shops close in the afternoon so we better wait till 5PM before going to get very needed SIM card from . We enjoyed stay at Open Lab Matera for little longer, drinking tea, eating sweets and having playful conversations. We also already started looking at travel arrangements to leave Matera after Open Data Day on 21st. Once near the time we expected shop to open, we borrowed 3G router and a power extension, then left saying “See you tomorrow!”. Today we most likely will visit this great space once again!
Coliving & Coworking Space(s)
After getting minimal food supply on our way, we returned to Casa Vacanze with 3G router and SIM card, something crucial for our work! Since we have available a space relatively big for two people. We arranged clear working space, sleeping space and cooking & dining space and of course Zero Waste station! Having that ready, we prepared simple buy yummy dinner and dove into cyberspace once again.
Planning and Tracking
As we dedicated this day to bootstrapping, I went ahead and created a Trello board to keep track of all the relevant tasks. As well as Google Drive folder for tracking spreadsheets and relevant digital artifacts, both with public read access so please check them out! As part of our presentation for Open Data Day in Matera on Feb 21st, we plan to give short overview of how me made this dev sprint happen, including all the data we track as open data! You can already find some new uploads in unMonastery organization on Open Data Matera CKAN.
Next Steps
Today we start first steps on polishing Matera GTFS feed, you can follow our work on mentioned trello board! We will also go over relevant github repositories and issues to create clearer roadmap for next two weeks. In the evening possibly @piersoft will visit us which should come of great help to clarify eventual mapping party with hands on skillsharing next weekend on 14th. Myself I will need to dedicate some time for obligations related to my participation in various W3C Groups, today two of them have weekly teleconf in our timezone evening. Please stay tuned for next update tomorrow, hopefully earlier in the morning! Ciao