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In this post I would talk a bit about the small scale CBOs and lots effort done by the youth throughout Egypt which is not mapped -as far as I know - from the Big organizations or not given the proper support , I was hoping that someone could raise this issue in the physical workshop but I will try to explain the situation as I see it -from my small experience with these CBOs -
with the current percentage of poverty in Egypt ,there are always people in need for monthly income ( mostly widows and divorced women but I don’t have statistics) basically how they survive is that they take some money from more than one CBO working in their neighbourhood plus some aid from another NGO and some money from relatives neighbours and so on . so each month they struggle to get this money from different channels in order to cover their basic needs.
In order for this to happen a lot of effort is being done by “everyday heroes “ that volunteer in these CBOs and NGOs as well. I know some people who actually put a lot of time, money effort in this even if that affects their study and even work. But they just do this everyday and their phone is always ringing with someone who needs a medicine for his/her child. These guys are amazing social workers and would make a very good CEO for a social enterprise other than being stuck in a corporate job or a call center. ( will explain below the legal problems)
The main problem I see is that a lot of work is duplicated because people don’t COLLABORATE not because they don’t want to but because there are lots of rules and regulations that have to be followed - some informal collaboration is done - but not that efficient .for example in order to give money to a certain family - they way it is normally done- is that someone goes to the house and fill a questionnaire with them then give the papers to the board of the CBO to take the decision according to how much money they have . so if the family takes money from 5 different places all this work is duplicated.
Another issue is that to make a small project for the family it needs monitoring and support and since most effort is being done as a voluntary work it has lots of problems .so in the end the result is not compared with the effort that is done .
I was always wondering what would happen if the 5-7 organizations that work in the same area do things together - share their data base and produce a GIS map with all the required info - u can see on the map that for example “Fatma lives in 22 whatever street receives 600 monthly aid and have 2 children in elementary school “ so she can take the money from one channel and the others can focus on providing small projects and work on the education . as Now every one of the 5-7 organization try to do all of this together in the same time depending only in volunteers which is not an efficient way to do all these things.
There are lots of legal issues to deal with as these small organizations has lots of limitations , I am not sure about the laws now or do we have a constitution or not yet anyway I remember in 2011 there was no such thing as a social enterprise in the laws ( I start to see that the term is overused in Europe but I think it is a way to go to solve some problems so they can make some legal framework to work within may be @Gazbee can know more about this issue)
Also another issue of how these small CBOs get the fund ,they are donations but there is 2 ways of donations “sadaka” and “zakaa” (in the muslim societies) . “zakaa” is the must paid charity by muslims and it has like 8 ways or tracks to be spent upon - most probably u can’t pay them in something else like publicity for a charitable event ) “sadaka” is basically general charity and this can be invested in anyways related to charity of course .
Just a final remark ,the “Ministry of Social Solidarity” which is supposed to be concerned with these problems their only role - as far as I know - they do is to monitor only - coming every time interval to check that the paper and money of these small organizations is ok if we can call that monitoring- but they don’t offer any kind of support .
I hope that was a bit clear ,we can dive into more details in the discussion.
فى هذه المشاركه ساحاول التكلم قليلا عن الجمعيات الاهليه الصغيره والمجهود المبذول من قبل الشباب فى ربوع مصر بدون الحصول على دعم او بالقليل جدا من المساعدات من المؤسسات الكبيره . كنت اامل ان يقوم باثاره هذا الموضوع احد من المشاركين فى الورشه فى القاهره ولكن ساحاول توضيح الوضع من وجهه نظرى
مع معدل الفقر الموجود فى مصرفى اسر كتير( معظمهم مطلقات وارامل -مش معايا ارقام) عايشين على الفلوس اللى بتجيلهم من الجمعيات الخيريه مع شويه فلوس من المنظمات غير الحكوميه مع شويه كمان من قرايبهم جيرانهم وهكذا. كل شهر بيمروا بمعانه انهم
يعدوا على كل الجهات اللى بتقدملهم الفلوس عشان يغطوا احتياجاتهم الاساسيه من اكل شرب ايجار ومصاريف دراسه مثلا.
عشان النظام ده يفضل ماشى فى مجهود كبير بيتم من شباب “ ابطال مجهولين” اللى بيتطوعوا فى الجمعيات دى . انا اعرف ناس فعلا بيجوا على نفسهم وفلوسهم ودراستهم عشان يقدروا يساعدوا الناس . ودايما تليفونهم بيرن تلاقى حد محتاج علاج او محتاج مساعده لو الشباب دول لقوا اطار قانونى يشتغلوا من خلاله بدل التطوع يوفرلهم حياه كويسه ممكن . الشباب ده يدير شركات اجتماعيه”سوشيال انتربرايز” بدل ما يشتغلوا فى كول سنتر او فى يقعد فى شركه ورا مكتب 10ساعات فى اليوم ( ححاول توضيع المشكله القانونيه اكتر
احد اهم المشاكل اللى بتواجهه الجمعيات المختلفه هو ان فى شغل كتير بيتم وبيتكرر من كل الجمعيات اللى شغالين على نفس المنطقه وفى صعوبه فى التعاون بين الجمعيات دى مش عشان هم مش عايزين بس عشان فى قوانين ولوايح كتير بتصعب الموضوع-فى بعض الجمعيات بتتعاون بصفه غير رسميه بس مش تعاون كافى- -والنتيجه مش متناسبه مع المجهود المبذول.
كمثال ازاى الجمعيات بتشتغل -على حد علمى- ان واحد من المتطوعين بيروح بيت الناس اللى طالبه المساعد ويملى معاهم استماره فيها حالتهم و يبعت الورق لمجلس اداره الجمعيه عشان ياخد القرار حسب الفلوس المتاحه . ولو الاسره بتاخد مساعدات من 5 جهات مختلفه المجهود ده بيتكرر 5 مرات .ومشكله تانيه فى حاله عمل مشاريع صغيره للاسر المحتاجه الموضوع بيحتاج متابعه و مسانده
مستمره ومعظم الشغل بيبقى من متطوعين فبيبقى صعب متابعه المشاريع دى
ايه المشكله لو ال 5-7 جهات اللى بتشتغل على نفس المنطقه يشتغلوا مع بعض يتشاركوا قاعده البيانات الخاصه بالمنطقه و يطلعوا خريطه مثلا فيها كل البيانات كمثال ممكن تعرف ان “ فاطمه ساكنه فى 22 شارع كذا بيوصلها 600 جنيه كل شهر ومعاها ولدين فى المدرسه الاعداديه” فممكن فاطمه تاخد الفلوس من جهه واحده بس وباقى الجهات تشتغل على مساعده المشاريع الصغيره والتعليم مثلا لان الوضع دلوقتى ان ال5-7 جهات بيحاولوا يشتغلوا فى كل الطرق دى معتمدين على متطوعين بس و فى الاخر النتيجه مش متناسبه
مع المجهود
فى مشاكل قانونيه كتير بتحدد الجمعيات دى - مش عارف دلوقتى ايه الموقف القانونى بالظبط احنا عندنا اصلا دستور ولا لا :)- بس على حد علمى فى 2011 مكانش فى نص للشركات الاجتماعيه “ سوشيال انتربرايز” وبرده الممول الرئيسى للجمعيات دى هى التبرعات و فى فرق بين فلوس الصدقه والزكاه الزكاه ليها ال8 مصارف الشرعيه والزكاه ممكن تتصرف فى كذا حاجه تانيه زى
الدعايه للمشاريع الخيريه وهكذا ( مش عارف برده الراى الفقهى بس ده اللى كان بيحصل فى كذا جمعيه
فى الاخر لازم اذكر ان وزاره التضامن الاجتماعى اللى مفروض مسئوله عن الموضوع ده مش بتقدم اى دعم - بيتابعوا من بعيد بس كل فتره مندوب من الوزاره بيجى يراقب ويتاكد ان ورق وفلوس الجمعيه مظبوط و بس كده
اتمنى اكون وضحت الصوره شويه وممكن فى المناقشه نتكلم اكتر فى المشاكل