For Sunday the 4th of December we have planned a Training Day.
This would be the agenda:
10:00 - 13:00: workshop on deep democracy (optional)
14:00 - 15:00: introduction to sociocracy & decision-making in The Reef (new Reeflings
15:00 - 17:30: introduction to nonviolent communication (new Reeflings)
14:00 - 18:00: SoFA training on facilitation (old Reeflings)
The introductions to sociocracy & decision-making and to nonviolent communication are considered to be an important part of the onboarding process, so your presence is greatly appreciated.
Deep Democracy is a practical method to start dialogue and discussion that searches for the wisdom of the minority. The workshop will be given by Nathalie from Hummus. It’s indicated as optional because it will be paying activity. Depending on the number of participants the price per person will be 55 euro per person (please contact @RalfWetzel or myself if the price is an obstacle) or less.
Can we please do a quick headcount on who will be joining?
Deep democracy
Introduction to sociocracy & decision-making
Introduction to nonviolent communication
Sorry, can’t make it!
@reef-logistics: could you please help out with the venues, lunch and making sure the costs are covered?
For the Deep Democracy workshop, I very much rely especially on the old Reeflings, who were very much in favour of it once I suggested it in October. The price is 550€ for the 3 hours, so 55€ per person works if there are 10 people attending ;-)Any of the new reeflings is warmly invited too!
Deep Democracy is a concept for decision making in non-hierarchical groups, very close to Sociocracy. It’s a very embodied way of expressing and developing opinions in such groups. I’ve been taking part in such workshops and found them extremely insightful, especially - but not limited - from a facilitation perspective. Nathalie van Renterghem is one of the pioneers of Applied Improvisation in Flanders and a highly skilled facilitator. I have been co-facilitating with her, and each time, it’s been a deep learning journey for me just observing her.
so please do the voting, it’s important, and please join if you can, it will help building our collective wisdom of non-hierarchical decision making enormously.
If money is an issue, please reach out to me or Lie.
I would love to participate in the first three workshops. 55 EUR is however borderlining on what I can afford for the deep democracy workshop, so I hope that we are at least 10 ppl in the end.
Also I only saw this post now while intentionally searching for information on the training day. It didn’t show up in my notifications despite all Reeflings AND Team Logistics having been tagged. Will get in contact with @Pieter since he’s both in logistics and team IT.
Yup, didn’t get any notification either. I flagged it with team IT.
Venue: My place (Rue Roosendael 102, Forest)
Lunch: will be taken care of as soon as I know how many people will come.
Costs: Venue is free, so only food expenses. Will be taken up with team finance.
For me it is the same situation as with Lara, I would like to participate, but unfortunately could not pay more than the 55. I hope it will be 10 people!