unMonastery Matera revisited
unMonastery was brought to Matera as part of the bid for the CCoC candidacy to experiment with ways to connect the city to the outside world without suppressing the importance of the local. In view of the successful bid, and the planned Open Design School, unMonastery can be viewed as a proto-design-school, aka the Open Future Experimental School. It will continue to bring new, experimental initiatives in technology, science, and culture to Matera, as a peer-to-peer mentoring, teaching and learning hub, while assisting the city in delivering all the various projects in the bid book, and developing the unMonastery Bios, the toolkit for future unMonasteries.
There are 4 distinct but not mutually exclusive goals which emerged from the the prorotype and our conversations around the proposal:
- bring clear, useful, concrete technology-based projects similar to CoderDojo and Kiderwind
- strong grassroot connection with the community of Matera, independent of the activities of the comitato and the bid
- assisting the candidacy by working with local cultural actors to deliver parts of the bid inspired by unMonastery projects
- refine the unMonastery model (unMonastery Bios)
- not as much a goal but a proposition is to continue the life of unMonastery Matera as La Scuola and therefore the flagship of the unMonastery as a movement
All of the above can be viewed as different aspects of Open Future Experimental School (OFES): technological; social; cultural; and the unMonastery, which in itself is an experimental social innovation project connecting technology to rethinking the basics of living and working.
Open Future Experimental School
New project ideas:
Department of Invitations: organising dinners between immigrants and natives (in this case greeks). Jeff blogged about it here. It’s going well, they are already on the fourth, and the network of participants is expanding.
Wikipedia Contribution Lab - Edit-A-Thons for women: Out of human contributors to Wikipedia, only 15 % women - Wikipedia set up the Gender Gap Task Force (with funding) to narrow the bias.
- unMonastery can organise Edit-A-Thons as part of the Scriptorium “practice”
- multi-lingual entries, assist each other to translate
- to use as part of translation/language sharing: for instance Matera Wikipedia page in English and Italian are very different, contributing our diverse language skills to situate Matera/Basilicata, its history and culture in global encyclopedic knowledge
Bio Commons, DIY bio lab and workshops - in collaboration with Hackteria; set up and operate diy biolab for food, soil, water analysis; biologically produce our own cleaning products; and other projects. BIOSTRIKE: Specific focus on analysing soil and water samples to detect antibiotics, collect data, spread awareness of multi-resistant bacteria strains as a result of careless antibiotics use in farming; support the Bio Commons project.
Maker Lab: non-digital object making techniques (in collaboration with local artisans)
unMonastery Nursery: open school to teach unMonasterians what they should know but they don’t
RETO: There is a network across Europe called RETO. It’s an NGO that takes problematic drug users and teaches them to fix things. Anything really, but especially appliances. The idea: To fix these appliances they need spare parts. It’s a pain to get them. We can teach them how to scan and 3d print the parts. These are very creative people, imagine what they might do with this knowledge. Now talking to local FabLab in athens about using their printer and we can do workshops with the “fixers” to teach them these skills! SIDE NOTE: there is a makerspace in Lisbon that is creating an opensource washing machine. Perhaps we can partner them with RETO.
Projects to restart/continue:
- Open Tech School - Kei Kreutler
- Mapping the Commons - expanding out into other parts of Matera and Basilicata Maria Byck, Katalin Hausel
- Walking Ethnographies - Lucia Caistor
- Open Culture Festival - Lauren Lapidge
- Public social interventions/actions - Maria Byck, Jeffrey Andreoni
- Harmonious Hackathons
- unGuide - Katalin Hausel, Emmanuele Curti - based on Near Future workshops, in support of Future Digs project
- Tweaking Rituals - Bembo Davies
OpenLab Matera (Marc Schneider) - 3D printers, working on accessibility problematics (handicapped persons), DIY projects (Raspberry, Arduino) and trying to widespread the Opensource philosophy
Depending on the prioritising of the goals, there are numerous funding schemes that can be envisioned. If goal (1) is weighed most, there is a clear interest from the Italian government (via the CTAI - Comitato Tecnico Aree Interne) to finance a deployable model for remote area development in the South of Italy. If goal (2) and/or goal (4) weighed most, each unMonastery:Matera v.2 participant needs to bring her/his funding. If goal (3) is weighed most, it is in the hands of the comitato to decide whether to fund another unMonastery.
However, all the above goals carry an important aspect of the unMonastery’s work in Matera, and maybe a hybrid solution is possible. Since the unMonastery functioned mostly as a hub to enable highly skilled individuals to come and work temporarily in Matera, this actually is befitting the complexity of goals and possibilities that emerged as important during the prototype. Having just re-read the document that summarises the plans for cooperation between CTAI and Edgeryders, both the timeframe and the scale point towards a useful, more rounded and sustainable development of an unMonastery model. It seems to me that integrating this plan into the future life of unMon Matera would allow MT2019 to demonstrate how their initiative brings not only money but actual job opportunities to Matera which is something that was articulated as a need from people in Matera. We have long had the idea of developing unMonastery:Matera as a school, a training place for unMonasterians. I don’t know if that kind of negotiation is a possibility, so that is just an option to keep in mind. During LOTE4 Ben proposed the independent funding idea, which is probably doable, and would give us a freedom and also some reputation of bringing extra money to the city. I am sure it would be easier for the comitato to support the unMonastery if we bring our own funding (individual grants).
The problems are, as I see it: (1) Whether it is reasonable to try and build on what we already achieved in Italy, but be bound to a possible “superhero” level of expectations? (2) Whether it is reasonable for us to fundraise and re-enter the complicated territory in Matera, or through securing our own funding, it makes more sense to open an unMonastery someplace else. I seriously doubt our work can make a clean-cut separation from being bound to the MT2019 bid, and the negotiations between CTAI and Edgeryders.
Another point about funding: it is really important to have unMonasterians from Matera/Basilicata in any scenario. Are we expecting them to bring their own funding, if we go the independent way?
In view of the above, I see the following options:
- unMonastery:Matera v2 is built on unMonasterians already committed to the project who will bring their own funding, and new recruits are expected to bring their own funding as well.
- unMonastery:Matera v2 is to be inhabited and run by Materani only, and we (unMonastery and Edgeryders network) simply assist the planning and facilitating of projects, and provide the “network” to find suitable skilled people. Finances provided by MT2019.
- unMonastery:Matera v2 recruits 6-8 people with technology skills and clear, useful, concrete projects. (Funding is by CTAI.) Acts as hub for CTAI roll-out with several local Matera DOC core team members who tangibly demonstrate the spin-off of the unMon local presence. unMon Matera (building) is used for networking workshops among participatory communities.
- unMonastery:Matera v2 is to have 2-3 people from the original unMonasterians and 3-4 unMonasterians from Matera. Recuitment is based on skills needed in the city, as reported by these. Funding can be any combination of the above, state money, and/or candidacy, and/or individual grants.