Unpacking #LOTE: practical info and what to do next

As I write this, we are still in the wake of Living On The Edge - lote, what a fantastic event! The team and I felt the need to come back to you with some practical instructions for unpacking lote and #Edgecamp and not lose the momentum of our conversation. So, please do the following:

  • breakout session leaders/rapporteurs, please upload a team mission report with your results
  • if you took pictures, or videos, or want to share any other material, please tag it with \#LOTE and/or \#Edgecamp AND add a link to it as a comment to this mission report
  • if you want to stay in touch with the \#LOTE and \#Edgecamp crowd, add yourself to the \#LOTE participants team: http://edgeryders.ppa.coe.int/lote-participants. It will be taken as a sign that other people at \#LOTE/#Edgecamp are welcome to get in touch with you.
  • Within a week/ten days we will give you an official update on the future of the Edgeryders project. Bear with us, we need to unpack \#LOTE with the Council of Europe, and we don't really want to give you unreliable information.
Thank you all! That was fun.

Edge Pictures BY MEDHIN Conference/Unconference

Link to EdgePictures

Day 1


Day 2



Other pics

Just came across these:

Bridget’s: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bridgetmckenz/sets/72157630272695776/

Nicholas’s: https://plus.google.com/photos/116292172722830224646/albums/5755691064588291569?banner=pwa&gpsrc=pwrd1

lote Storify

Storify - Day 1


Storify - Day 2


Live stori


Il buon giorno e cominciato, carissimi amici.  passione



Post- #Edgecamp survey

The supernice organizers of Edgecamp (Yann, Stéphane, Francis, Aubrey) have created a quick online survey to get ever better at organizing this kind of event. Please take a minute to fill it in:



Il ne marche pas sur le ‘browser’ Google Chrome sur un Mac…malheureusement…

J’ai fini cela sur ‘Safari’…


on Human Rights Europe

The Edgeryders community- photographs by Nigel Smith from CoE:


Podcast from day 1: http://www.humanrightseurope.org/2012/06/podcast-live-from-day-one-of-the-edgeryders-conference/

worldwide network of local events

we’ve started worldwide network of local edgeryders communities organizing Edgecamps here:


self organized - everyone can start participating in existing local community or easily start new one!

*Videos : lote « EDGERYDERS » CONFERENCE…*1

*Videos : lote “Edgeryders” Conference : Council of Europe & European Commission…:


Soon, more videos, pictures… :

 # LOTE Conference “Edgeryders” ‘Living On The Edge’…

Morgane BRAVO

little photo gallery of lote conference and #edgecamp plus stra



lote “Edgeryders” Conference : Council of Europe & European Commission…


Soon, more videos, pictures… :

 # LOTE Conference “Edgeryders” ‘Living On The Edge’…

Morgane BRAVO

demopolitique sessions and some photos

Sessions report :


A few photos of strasbourg taken during the week-end :


Little photogallery:


A post on CheFuturo!, italian online magazine:

Heaven in Hell’s despite

My first reactions to living on the edge and edgecamp.

couldn’t have put it better myself :slight_smile:

Read the post, thank you thank you for taking the time to share it!

Thank you Alberto for putting this thing together!

Finally I managed to connect to internet and I am back for bringing back my #lote experience !!

Thanks also for sharign all videos & photos :slight_smile:

lote : Création “Think Tank” officiel Edgeryders…

My Recommendations lote

Rapport Final,

 projets portés par le Conseil de l’Europe & la Commission Européenne :

1. Je recommande (entre autres) : La création d’un “Think Tank” officiel “Edgeryders”. Avoir une conférence tous les deux ans…au Conseil de l’Europe à Strasbourg ou à Bruxelles…

2. Je recommande que soient évalués les possibles mécanismes de pérennité de la communauté Edgeryders, dans les 6 groupes de travail.



*Soon, more videos, pictures… :

 # LOTE Conference “Edgeryders” ‘Living On The Edge’ & Edgecamp…

Morgane BRAVO

lote and #Edgecamp on Epilogger

Epilogger is a nifty tools that tracks tweets, photos, videos, blog posts etc. that contain a certain string. It is used a lot to archive social media content around events. We had almost 7,000 tweets from 1,000 different people! Also, over 250 photos and videos and over 2,000 links posted.

Thanks to Francis Gosselin for setting this up.




Danish MEP Emilie Turunen

Pier Francesco Maran (alderman of Milan)

Spyros Pengas (vice-mayor of Thessaloniki)

Gilda Farrell (Council of Europe)

Interviews with community members:

Bridget Mckenzie @bridgetmck

Jovin Hurry @JovinHurry

Michal Wozniak @rysiekpl 

Ásta Guðrún Helgadóttir @asta_fish

Pedro Prieto-Martin @ckyosei and Anthony Zacharzewski @demsoc

also, footage from Making a living breakout session, June 15th