Video Concept (not chosen, needs no work): The Anticipatory Future

The Anticipatory Future

A new world is being built by people working far outside the mainstream. Around the world there are people exploring the edge of our current society. They aspire to solve global societal, economic, environmental, security and energy problems threatening humanity. They care about several different issues, such as open access to knowledge; openness and transparency of government; food security; smart communities; decentralized economic architecture; free/open source software; and art.

Amazing projects demonstrate hope for the future and visions of the world which is possible when we work together. In Cairo, residents brought along tools, bulldozers and just started building their wikicity. In Italy a group of young activists are improving their cities by engaging inhabitants to reactivate abandoned buildings. In Tbilisi a group of young activists engaged women in mastering technology in the quest to improve their communities. Many people living their dreams together are changing their corner of the world, one small initiative at a time.

Video Concept

This video aims to inspire its viewers. It will show them where and how people are already building the future. People working on the edge will give the viewers their ideas on how they see the future. It will attempt to answer the following questions:

  • How can we anticipate what is coming and if we have some idea, how do we react accordingly?
  • We are all individuals with our own perceptions. We can do research, we can create a policy based on future predictions, but how often do these futures we predict come true?
  • How can we create something for a future environment, when we are not sure what it will look like?

Some out there are not afraid to take a risk, to pursue to change the communities around them facilitating for a better future.

Video Format

This video is about collective sensemaking: The future is not a numbers game. Individuals with different visions make up different futures. Trends are starting to permeate groups and communities. How can we harness the knowledge, make sense and prototype at scale?

Using Google Hangout, people from interesting projects are asked to share their stories, these will be mashed up and edited - as if they are small conversations. Both original and existing footage will be used. The video will show all the different futures being built as we speak. While talking about these particular futures, their ideas will be illustrated with 2D graphics. At the end they will swarm together, showing all these different futures.

We will ask the following questions to a group of people working outside of the mainstream: Recently, were you involved in something you felt makes a contribution to you, your peers/ community? Why did you start your project? Have you encountered any struggles/obstacles/threats? How do you see the future if everyone on the planet would be empowered by projects like yours? How have you positioned yourself in a changing world? How have you adapted to changes in the world? What accomplishment are you most proud of, and why? How long is your planning horizon? How would it affect how your project if you had a 200 year perspective?



Shot Description


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