Visit to Tivoli

@Laurianne, it’s possible, but it wasn’t in my company at least, as I’ve never been there. Tivoli is a cohousing in Jette. It’s the one with the common room at the top floor.

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I’ve been there but only with @Sarah (during the cohousing bike tour)

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Just wanted to add (regarding the counting of the votes) that in our (@leonard) case it would be one or the other coming

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Hello @reeflings
Unfortunately none of the dates worked for our hosts :frowning: They are two so it is more difficult to make it work.
So here is a new poll. I am putting weekends but bear in mind that these are more difficult for our hosts, so picking week days gives us more options!
I’ve sent the link to our hosts as well, to limit back and forth…

@Lee : did we want to decide on the legal structure on the weekend of the 25/26th? Shall I try and insist so that we get a date beforehand?


No, I don’t think that’s going to be possible, if only because I believe that the final decision will depend on the site that we purchase.

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Hi all!
A kind reminder to fill in the new poll as soon as possible…

So far it looks like the best date would be wednesday 29/03, but not many people have filled the survey. And it would be good to have a better idea of how many we would be.

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So we’re on for the 29 th at 6pm!
If there are more @reeflings who wanna join, please put a message below so that we know when everybody is here.
As a reminder, we will be talking about the legal structure (Community land trust), the relationship to the neighborhood and scouting. And I’ve asked to visit an appartement, let’s see…


I will join if @Lee is up for it. If I don’t, about the Community Land Trust deal: a key information is the identity of the person they worked with in Citydev. Citydev could be a key partner for The Reef, but it’s an opaque organizazion, in their website there is not even a “contact” section. Can you ask Tivoli to put us in contact with them?


I’d be happy to join !

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Hi all !
Great guys, the more the merier, and also best to be as many as possible, as our hosts are being extremely accomodating, and ready to share a ton of useful information I think (to anybody reading this, don"t hesitate, join us!)
I’ve put the adress in nextcloud calendar.
I’ve also cc the reef in an email Julien shared with us in preparation of the visit. The email credentials are in Team IT folder (Internal Link).
See you tomorrow!

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I somehow missed the communication about the final date having been chosen, but I’m now rearraging my day to be able to be there tomorrow. @JolanWuyts already has plans he can probably not change anymore (I think?), but I could bring questions he’d like to ask with me.

@reeflings : Visit to Tivoli round 2!

On Thursday 11/07 in the end of the day (time to be confirmed), we will be visiting cohousing Tivoli in Laeken.
The main topic of the visit will be choosing common spaces, but it will also be an opportunity for newer members to see what cohousing can look like.

I already know that some current members will join (Mieke, Alin, Manuel, Chris and myself), and some can’t (Alberto, Joannes and SophieB). But maybe some other full and associate members as well as exploring members still want to join? So please fill in the poll below!

Will post more details as soon as I have them.
In the meantime if you want you can have a look at the info we already gathered during our previous visits.

  • I’ll be joining!
  • Won’t be able to make it, sorry
0 voters
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I might be able to join depending on the time, I’m working during the day



Same here, I could join after 7pm.

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Is there already a time fixed?

It will be at 8.30pm!

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Hi, Christian and I won’t be able to come but a friend of us lives there so we know the place already … Enjoy the visit !

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pics from the visit saved here: Login – Nextcloud


hi @reeflings ,

I found our visit to Tivoli very interesting (thanks @Sarah for organizing it).
The most interesting things i remembered…

  • the common space at level 0 is open for the public and is very much used for children’s birthday parties. The space is connected to the garden and the garden is also open for the public. => point of discussion that comes back over and over. Some of the Tivoli’ers seem to be having a problem with that, but certainly not all of them. Also not straight forward for the Tivoli children to have to share ‘their’ playground

  • Quite different set-up: Community Land Trust, so ground was funded by citydev, they got a 100 year lease of the land… As a negative quite strict restrictions (income wise, obligation of having to live there for 20 years otherwise having to pay back an important amount of financial intervention)

  • the above restrictions made them end up withvery similar Tivoli’ers (same age, families with children,…). It made some decisions more easy (‘children pro’ decisions passed easily as it was important for every one,…). The 2 people giving the tour indicated they lacked some more diversity…

  • Common space at level 0: very low finishing cost (recup or second hands things, self-made). I think very < 750 euro/m2. The common space at level 5, seemed to have costed a bit more, but still looked very reasonable.

  • Common space at level 5 (top floor): choice to have the rooftop space as common space so everybody could benefit from the advantages (vue, light, …)

  • Had some bikes being stolen (as L’echapée said as well), so now they have the door ‘locked’ or with alarm from 20:00 onwards.

  • How did they deal with the common spaces decisions (as with all big decision). A team (with people interested in the topic) made a proposal and presented it to the rest of the group who could give comments.

  • What they recommend for us to do (but our financial situation is a bit different ): when they were 6 out of 9 families) they stopped looking for people. Two major advantages

    • making the heavy decisions is easier with a smaller group

    • for the last units people need to know where they will have their apartment, so the division in apartments need to have been done and the previous members should have chosen their apartment

  • They rent out their common space at level 0, they don’t ask much for this, to make it accessible to everyone. They don’t make any money out of it, after paying the accountant, nothing is much left over. they said it’s quite some work, it needs somebody being good at it and wanting to invest the time in it.


Thanks guys!

@chris, could you move these posts to that one:
