Warm up workshop

For those who want to participate, let’s have a dialogue meeting based on nice, new, different and creative ideas.

“Bucharest ideas gang”

Saturday, 4 July, at 12 it’s fine for everyone?

Domestic HUB (for ONG), intrarea Visinilor 5, near Hala Traian.

Same homey home, shadowy court, playful dogs (CaiMac).

Date: 2015-07-04 09:00:00 - 2015-07-04 09:00:00, Europe/Bucharest Time.

Will be there.

Thanks for the invite Bogdan, will of course be there. 12 o’clock sounds alright.

It will be a working day, so those coming can also take the time to work on their own stuff I think, but for those interested, we’ll go over the current status of Futurespotters project and tell you about what is expected from us after the workshop ends.

Will be there me too!

So much looking forward to meet you all again. I am sending an email to those that where there last week, to let them know as well

Please count me in

Thanks for organizing this workshop

Joining, too!

I’m coming for CaiMac. Kidding, working session on what we want to make out of Futurespotters and STF is useful and needed, thanks Bogdan for hosting this. See you tomorrow noon! Anyone coming to the 10 am march for a city accessible to people?