WeMake update - activities and prototype news


Happy fall!  It has been an interesting summer for us, with the progress of the prototype, and now we are looking forward to further events to come ahead.

Below is a calendar of events that WeMake is going to be leading or involved in, going to be leading,

  • Domus Academy / Tangible Interactions & Prototyping

From 19th September to 19th October in Milan

Starting on 19th of September, for one entire month, me @Alessandro and @Moushira are going to work with the Master in Interaction Design at the Domus Academy.

We will develop with the students solutions related to opencare. Our challenge concerns helping them to brainstorm, and shape ideas as well as learn about technologies that can help them fabricate their prototypes that are going to be part of the global opensource references.

  • Forum Leopolda / Forum della Sostenibilità e Opportunità nel settore della Salute

On 23rd - 24th September in Florence

For more details you can check:


OpenCare Participants:

Rossana Torri – Smart City, Milano –

Costantino Bongiorno – Maker e Hacker, Milano



Chi si prenderà cura di noi?  Per un nuovo modello di servizi di cura.

Si prospetta un nuovo modello di welfare, community-driven, basati sulla scienza e la tecnologia condivisa. Il nuovo è basato sul codesign dei servizi, con nuovi e differenti attori (makers, designers, cittadini, hackers,artisti…).

Il valore della condivisione nel processo di costruzione dei sistemi di cura. L’esperienza di “Inpè”

  • Hacking Health / Tavoli tematici

On 27th September in Milan

WeMake is working together with Hacking Health Milan in order to support activities to identify needs and necessities of citizens related to care.

On 27th of September we will be involved in a full day workshop that aims at working with participants in order to come up with different challenges that will serve as the base of November’s Hackathon.

In the past few months, Hacking Health has been working with Milan’s Bicocca University students in order to investigate environments and interview people related to the care dimension: doctors, patients, families, healthcare assistants, exc.

This large contribution and research acts as grounded starting point for the activity that will take place on 27th of September. We will begin the activity sharing the research among all the participants and we will end it with some contextualized questions that will later need to be answered.

For more details please visit: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-hacking-health-milano-2016-tavoli-tematici-26774538365


  • Rena / Festival delle Comunità del Cambiamento

From 7th to 9th October in Milan

For more details you can check: http://www.progetto-rena.it/festival-2016/

Openness e cura: quali sono gli agenti di cambiamento nell’ecosistema di cura?

“Nell’ambito della comparto della cura è in atto un cambiamento che coinvolge differenti attori a vari livelli. Il panel apre la discussione a partire da esempi di azioni concrete che hanno l’obiettivo di impattare a livello di sistema. All’incontro interverranno una fondazione filantropica che ha deciso di sperimentare nuovi modelli di ricerca nell’ambito degli ausili o degli strumenti riabilitativi e del benessere dei cittadini; un’amministrazione pubblica che ha deciso di adottare delle politiche che favoriscano le condizioni nelle quali il cambiamento è facilitato. Il workshop è curato da WeMake, una società che ha nella sua mission uno sviluppo di progetti di impatto sociale attraverso azioni di capability e awareness verso i cittadini e operatori in ambito sociosanitario.

Il panel parte dall’esperienza di Opencare, un progetto finanziato dalla Commissione Europea che coinvolge direttamente tutti i cittadini e nasce dalla volontà di sperimentare soluzioni pensate dai cittadini per altri cittadini. A 10 mesi dall’inizio del progetto Opencare, WeMake | Makerspace Fablab, partner del progetto, invita a riflettere su come l’ambito della cura inserendo pratiche di collaborazione e condivisione del mondo maker, stia cambiando la propria natura e forzando cambiamenti nei policy makers cittadini.”

  • Maker Faire Rome / The European Edition

From 14th to 16th October in Rome

In this 4th edition of the Maker Faire we will have the opportunity to present two important outcomes of WeMake’s contribution inside opencare.

First: In Pè prototype will see the light! This is going to be the an official showcase of a successful result of an open project related to care, designed by people and based on their needs.

Secondly, we will present the results of Tangible Interactions & Prototyping course at Domus Academy. Students will show their 4 projects and test them with the visitors of the fair.

We’re also present opencare on Sat 15th from 11am to 12

  • Scimpulse Foundation / CERN Workshop

From 7th to 9th November in Geneve

During the second week of November we will be involved in the workshop organized by Scimpulse Foundation. During those 3 days we will support the development of the ideas of three teams. Each team will have the aim of solving an issue related to care by developing an innovative, sustainable and participatory solution.

WeMake will bring its expertise in open and innovative technologies, idea generating and service design methods and practices.

Further updates will be shared with you in the near future.

  • Hacking Health Milano / Hackathon

From 11th to 13th November in Milan

The aim of the Hackathon will be answering to the challenges defined during the activity of September.

WeMake will evaluate and support low-cost projects that will prove feasibility, scalability and reproducibility in an open perspective.

More details here: http://www.hhmilano.it/it/hackathon

  • WeMake / Consortium Meeting

On 28th 29th 30th November in Milan

  • Scimpulse Foundation / Workshop

On 5th and 6th December in Milan

That was the brief for the calendar, below is a brief about In Pe, development:

Prototype development.

During the 3-days codesign session that took place in May at WeMake with Municipality of Milan, we managed, together with the local communities, to find interesting insights/needs and to further develop 3 projects (for those who would like to have a contextualized recap, here you can find Day 1, Day 2 and Day3 reports).

During the third meeting we announced the project that we would have further prototyped, and shared will all the participants the selection methods and evaluation matrix applied to the three concepts.

After hardware and software testing/coding/designing from June to September was more than worth it: In Pè bracelet is almost ready.

In the near future we will share with you and with all the communities (online and offline) all the achievements we reached so far, the complete documentation to guarantee the easy replication and we will start testing In Pè with real users. We will keep you posted for further updates.

That was it for our upcoming and prototype related activities.  Please stay posted to our further updates.


1 Like

Very useful

This is helpful for me, thanks.


  • WeMake is developing its own prototype, In Pe.
  • And helping other makers to develop theirs.
  • And doing some outreach.
  • Documentation is coming.

All good.

Rena report


here I created a post about the interesting panel realized during Rena festival.

Take a look!

@Costantino, @Alberto @Noemi @LuceChiodelliUBx and all…