What does this sentence mean? any IT specialists or linguists or philosophers or anyone else that can explain this?

“No electrons were hurt generating this message but many were severely inconvenienced…” 

thanks in advance!

Nerd joke

It is a play on “no animals were inconvenienced doing X” (for example, shooting a film). Your email does not destroy or harm electrons, but it does move them around. It’s just geek humour. :slight_smile:

thanks for the answer Alberto

The reason why I asked this question on Edgeryders platform openly is that recently I had a moment of misunderstanding with one of the workers of Edgeryders - Arthur Doohan - who made this joke in a very unclear way, probably assuming that I, as an artist and activist am totally familiar with all the possible jokes he may wan’t to make, and he made that joke during a quite tensed conversation, so I wasn’t ready for a joke of whatever kind, especially because I am not his friend. He refused to explain the meaning of the joke and to apologize for inconvenience, but he decided to block my emails instead.

I feel totally disrespected and will probably have to communicate with you and others to understand why on such a network of helpers and nice people someone decides to behave like that and thinks it’s the way to be?

He also told in our unpleasant emailing that it’s him who decides who to pay how much for their work. Is that true? Sorry but this sounds like ancient Egypt…