The second story is about the great young activist, psychologist and youth leader that has a lot of ideas and projects in hold for youth empowerment and activism. He has managed to do several nice projects, such as student “miss university pageant”, youth forums for the skills development and many more. The first project that would be interesting to share with the community is called “Your voice”. It’s goal is to promote fair and active voting on elections, with emphasis on fighting the corruption and bribery during elections of the young electorate in Ukraine. The problem in Ukraine is severe, since during every election there is huge buying of votes among pensioners and young people, not interested in the political process. Starting from EuroMaidan, this situation has changed slightly for better, but other goals were added - such as enlarging youth activism in political activism, making every voting understandable and throughout researched, to make young people more interested in political system formation etc.
Your voice project
Throughout “your voice” project there were 2 campaigns - the presidential elections (motivating young people to vote and elect a candidate sensibly) and parliamentary elections: be active, vote and do not sell their votes
The initiative was launched on April 2015 with the help of Euromaidan activists. We spread info through social tools (video, PR work in social networks, website, social survey)
The main idea of the project is a youth empowerment during the election process. Presentation problem is relevant both for Ukrainian and civilizational context. Youth people actively participate in political and economic development. As part of the project youth people get acquainted with the basic steps of election campaign. Also the public will be shown presentation videos and be provided with additional materials. The “Your Voice” is intended to lay the foundation of the election culture which is education and mobilization campaign created to answer the question: why should we vote, why every vote is important and how can you protect it. The project will help young people to become more familiar with the nature and technology of the election process and learn how to make critical and rational choice in political preferences and not be afraid to defend their vote. In addition it will show that their votes count, and it will motivate them for more activism