Allergo Kì | Agile kick off at WeMake

Hello we are Monica and Nicoletta Allergo Kì team project.

Together with Alessandro and Costantino, from the WeMake - OpenCare MIR team, we explored the main steps of the Agile Planning, which made us able to focus more on our project. We had already heard about the Agile methodology and on this occasion we tested it.

01_Why are we here

After a brief brainstorming we realized that we are here to WeMake for these 3 reasons:

# 1_ We want people with food allergies to eat out without problems.

# 2_ Exchange and share ideas on the topic of food allergies.

# 3_ Realize our idea

02_The elevator pitch

For people who are diagnosed with an allergy or intolerance in adulthood.

Who These people experience trauma because they have to change their eating habits. In addition to physical illness, food allergy also causes psychological problems causing significant trauma and further pathologies such as neurosis and depression.

The AllergoKi is an integrated communication project to help people with food allergies to eat out without problems. Not as it is today in restaurants.

Our project, providing visual media, wants to create a channel for effective communication between restaurateurs and people with food allergies.

03_The Not list

During the meeting we decided not to develop: the search engine and mobile app.

04_Meet you neighbours

We wrote down a list of the “actors”:

  • People with food allergies Associations (parents, sick person, trainers )

  • Restaurateurs (waiters, providers) friend and collegues

05_ What keeps us up at night:

# 1 Block Project: impossibility to continue planning

# 2 Find the “right” communication channel among the main actors

# 3 Restaurateurs not interested in the project

06_Size it up (time planning)