Social activists' monuments in Armenia

Proposal for \#Futurespotters event in Tbilisi

Description: During the session we will speak about the forms of activism in Armenia, mostly will discuss the example of Teghut and Mashhotz Park movements as movements for human rights protection. Will look together for the best ways for raising our voices to the government.
Format: Introduction, Video, small exercise/group-work

Date: 2014-06-23 20:00:00 - 2014-06-26 20:00:00, Asia/Tbilisi Time.

Now this was interesting :slight_smile:

My main takeout from this session: if you are an Occupy or 15M activist who’s frustrated because of lacking any kind of success with their activism, come to Armenia. They’re not just enthusiastic activists, but successful as well.

It seems to hinge on being in a small country: just 2-3 million people in the state means a city-scale government which decides all issues of national importance. So compared to a 50 million people country, the group to gather for successful activism is simple 20 times smaller, much more manageable for informal organizations.

For very populated states however, working around government with direct actions seems more promising because of all the inertia of huge groups and organizations. Like creating your own electricity when prices rise too much, something that is interestingly completely absent in the case of Armenian activism.

optimism vs pesimism

I don’t know what is it about people in their 20s, but clearly after attending this with @Lili, @Enli, @Zhanna I think of youth driven Armenian activism in a different way…

The group of professional activists having their own Activist Union negotiating with government is quite an outcome.  “Our future is youth” seems to be common belief, and a premiere is seeing young women who are traditionally seen as should-be-outsiders of any public engagement actions are highly involved, making a point about the woman’s role in Armenian society…

On the other hand looking behind the scenes of these movements there has been clearly human rights violations with peaceful protesters being beaten or jailed… @Enli can we have the videos here?