Swarming for each other's projects - latest community call summary

We got ourselves a full house with @elfPavlik, @Nadia, @Dorotea, @Auli, Spencer, @James Lewis, @Aden… from unMonastery, Copenhagen, Brussels, Romania, Lisbon, Paris… thanks all for joining in!

We touched on several topics, from a new hackerspace being built near Lisbon (@Dorotea has the juicy details), to the Linked Portable Profiles currently being built at unMonastery by team @elfPavlik and @James Lewis, which would make it easier for people to participate in various online spaces without experiencing Network Fatigue.

guys feel free to edit this wiki and add more details!

On the social media team front, we are on our way to make it easier for community members to catch up with latest projects updates and share the work of tweeting and facebook updating - stay tuned as we launch a call for mailing list countonme signup, courtesy of James Lewis.

In brief, you’ll have an opportunity to:

  1. get daily updates without needing to keep up with the many conversations happening on ER at the same time
  2. get a chance to queue in your own status updates to be tweeted in sync by the community
  3. contribute to the swarm social media team - smaller, distributed effort with bigger impact if we all take 2 mins a day to tweet each other's breakthroughs.

With #Futurespotters in Tbilisi approaching fast, @Aden our videographer for the event is in the process of building a strong offer for everyone in attendance. What is it? a package - Communication Kit for each participant to leave with which would help them further their own initiatives.

It would contain high quality photos, video interview, community improved written presentation of their project – pitchy and concise – with concrete call to help, also a mention in the follow up twitterstorm. stay tuned!

Full notes from the call:

12:36 PM
Adil in Tbilisi; 1. video document
2. turn materials into educational stuff for VA
-group based learning

Dorotea Mar
12:37 PM
Spencer typing: just because video documentation was mentioned, here's the link to our raw footage :youtube.com/user/lacertilianv
(sorry, wasn't clickable)

12:41 PM
-can we turn video documentation into specific session documentation?

Dorotea Mar
12:42 PM
nice idea
Futurespotters: scheudling time for each participant to do a video interview like the ones same did in armenia and Egypt

12:46 PM
how to use social networking during \#futurespotters


Nadia E.
12:57 PM
Nadia Swarm communications agency: Nadia sets up session on that

elf Pavlik
12:58 PM
Dorotea, do you know how https://www.facebook.com/SoMediaSquad work?

Dorotea Mar
12:58 PM
yes its for MakeSense right ?
or for other things too ?

elf Pavlik
12:59 PM
i think more of how  and not so much who  ;)

Dorotea Mar
1:00 PM
yes i like the way it works

Nadia E.
1:00 PM
Session on 23rd: facilitation bootcamp
people present their session, process, etc

James Lewis joined group chat.

Nadia E.
1:03 PM
Edgeryders Communication Kit: what's in it? What is it worth in monetaryt terms? Photo, Video, Community imoroved written presentation and call to action/help
mention in the twitterstorm

elf Pavlik
1:08 PM
they went outside
also his computer doesn't work well

Nadia E.
1:11 PM
most valuable thing is to be able to capture contact with people who can enable me to do stuff in my projects.and make progress.
Specifically if I went away with understanding of my next steps, and specific person who can help me with my next steps.
Matchmaking & network weaving: One person is a matchmaker, keeps track. Adn then reconnects people after the event
Post conference game. A game of the more you post online on the platform, the more connections
using video as social content?
Adil does writeup of the 1) Edgeryders Communications KIt and 2) the video social matchmaking game

Adil Adenwala
1:17 PM

Nadia E.
1:22 PM
countonmelist: for external and internal communication with top 5 headlines of what is happening in Edgeryders
in a format that I could read in 30 seconds
1) decide what size of group needs to work on it without anyone being burdended too far 2) what could be done to get that many people do it
People are motivated to tell the word about their own project. OI would love a place where I could publish that.
Daily promt: do you have something to tell the world. Bottom of the daily list email, if you have something to tell the world add it here or email edgeryders

Auli Kütt
1:30 PM

Adil Adenwala
1:30 PM
yepp storify is good

Nadia E.
1:31 PM
How to get the word out about the word out. Just spam the existing mailing list once or twice. You're on the new mailing list, we think it's going to be great click here if you want to opt out. James produces this text.

Nadia E.
1:34 PM
James: interested in mechanism for engagement before the event starts.Interested in developing . Designing process and mechanis,
Adil: intersted in coordination and business development i. awants to be part of tema in a more hands on, operational organisational reole.

elf Pavlik
1:42 PM
I go take short break before Network of Networks Hangout i(in 20min) Ciao all o/

Dorotea Mar
1:42 PM
see you there

Nadia E.
1:43 PM
wants to bring up learning curve, and coordinate with remote places wheere small hackatons alreadyb happening. So, metahack?

James Lewis
1:45 PM
stepping away for a few minutes too, I have action points to write description for the Count On Me mailing, and start conversation with LOTE4 core team on pre-event engagement