TechBlick 22 - Peter [EN]

Okay. One of last questions. On a scale of 1 to 5 one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Four. Why? Now. I mean, there will come the time where we. Where we have so much waste, where you can’t dispose it anymore. I mean, when you when you see what, what is going on in the, in the seas and in the ocean with the, with the plastic, etcetera. It just destroys our environment. Yeah. I mean, this is something we should. And this is my this is my, my my concern. Yeah. So.

Yeah. What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

I’m working for a company that is highly engaged in it, and I’m in my personal life. You mean you go to a supermarket, you don’t take bags. You have your own stuff with you. This is how we do it. I do a lot of. I take my bicycle and I don’t take the car. Yeah, yeah.

Okay, okay. Last question. How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment, in your opinion?

Sorry. Say that again.

How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

How much influence?

How much responsibility? Yeah. How responsible?

Yeah. High responsibility. I mean, we control it. We are the consumer and we we control it. Yeah. And you should never think that you have no influence, that you just say you’re the only one. And there are so many who don’t care. Why should I? Yeah. So this, this, this, this attitude. Yeah. But I think it’s extremely difficult to to get rid of that. Yeah.

Okay. Thank you very much.
