Membership: update

Welcome @VickyVanEyck ! Bit of a late reaction, but I hadn’t seen this post in the middle of all the other ones :slight_smile:

Yay! Glad to see you join people!

@matteomeschiari, sad to see you go… But happy to know you’re not completely gone!
Nice to cross paths with you anyway! Hoping that will happen again some way or another :slight_smile:

What should we do with his NextCloud user?

Can you cancel it please?

Hello @reeflings,

Here’s a quick update related to membership.

People who decided not to join The Reef: Ana & Seb, Luna & Pablo, Eefje, Frances and Jéromine.

Tonight we’ll be welcoming Barbara and Leonard, who contacted us on Sunday. They are friends of Nele and Jeremy and seem like a good match for the group (their daughter is the same age as Ada and Zohra), so I figured it would be a win for everybody to still include them in the current onboarding move.

As from now however, as a member of Team Recruitment and Onboarding, I would like to propose that we take a break from onboarding more people. The reason for that is 1) that there are some people who worry that we will be too many households, and 2) that I think we now need some stability and space to get to know each other and make The Reef work as efficiently as possible.

Should we receive new requests to join The Reef, we will put them on a waiting list, and contact them once we have space again.


Hi dear people!

Unfortunately I will not be able to stay in The Reef. Financially I won’t be able to carry this atm.
It’s not a huge surprise for me because I knew from the beginning that it would be very tight.

However, it has been a pleasure getting to know you all! You are really a wonderful bunch of people and I have no doubt that this project will continue to be wonderful, and that you will create a fantastic, sustainable, tight-knit and inclusive co-habitat for all the Reeflings. I will be a “Friend of The Reef” and hopefully visitor from time to time :slight_smile: (If you wanna stay in contact: you can always message me on Edgeryders, and add me on FB.)

Within a relatively short amount of time (less than 6 weeks) I have learned A LOT. On co-housing, on group processes, sociocracy, deep democracy, NVC, on where I see myself in the future… So thank you all (especially the co-founders!) for making this possible. Lot of good stuff is happening.

Last point:
I would still like to go ahead with organizing the non-violent communication (NVC) training at my place. If anyone has an issue with this, please let me know. IF YOU WANT TO JOIN fill in the DOODLE UNTIL TOMORROW. All the info in this thread: 6 hour training on Non-Violent Communication (NVC), for group of 2-8 ppl

See you soon! x


Oh no! What a shame :frowning:

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Sorry to hear that Lara :frowning:
Would have loved to see you join!
And yes to having an extended Reef community!! Looking forward to having you visit at a later point…

All the best for finding your perfect place!

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Hello dear Reeflings,

The past few days I’ve been thinking a lot about you and the Reef project as a whole. The talk with the confesseurs brought me the reality check that I wanted for some time.

When I first heard about The Reef I realized very quickly how its values were aligned with mine, but I also knew that stepping into a project like this would be a financially calculated risk for me. That didn’t stop me to put my time and energy into it, though, because I recognized its importance. Sadly enough going any further from this point would make it financially too risky for me, as the talk with the confesseurs showed me. I need to prioritize making my financial situation better so that I can actually jump into a project like this in the near future without it being financially unviable for me.

I will be keeping a close eye on The Reef, though, and see how it evolves. You are all lovely, beautiful people and I am sure you will make this into a wonderful co-housing project that will be seen as an example for future generations of similar co-housing projects. I have learned a lot from this entire experience and I’m very grateful for that to all of you. And no worries, you haven’t seen the last of me yet, as there is still the Christmas/NY party at our place :slight_smile:

If you want to keep in touch, you’re more than welcome to add me on Facebook.

See you soon!


Very sad to see you go Pieter. It is crazy how over only a few months we become attached to this little family to be…
I don’t have Facebook but I hope you’ll keep in touch with us in real life too!
Wishing you all the best on your journey to making your dreams come true!

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Oh man! What a loss! Very sad to see you go!

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Oh no :frowning: Sad to see you go!

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Sad to see you go but good to hear there will still be opportunities to meet!

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Hi everyone,

Just a small update that I will rejoin The Reef (starting with tonight’s plenary meeting).

I am not entirely sure yet if I’ll be able to stay, but thanks to encouragement I received I will try to once more look at all the financial details, and see if I can somehow make it work without it feeling financially too “at the edge”. Because I think it would be really cool to stay :slight_smile:

See you tonight!



Just a quick update to let you know that Joris and Margot let me know via a PM that they will not continue their membership of The Reef, mostly due to lack of time and mental space. They wish us all the best.


Dear @reeflings, as some of you already know, Thomas and I have decided not to go further with The Reef.
I would like to thank you all for the time we spent and the work we did together. To me, taking part in this project has been a great opportunity for learning, and also for self-reflection.

I wish success and happiness to every one of you nice people, and to The Reef!
Feel free to message me on Edgeryders or Facebook.


I join my voice to the one of Céline to thank all of you for the past months. Taking part in a cohousing project was a really enriching experience, and it’s with a bit of sadness that I leave you behind.

This experience made me reflect on a lot of things, about what I want for my life now and in the future, which contributed to this decision. But I wish you all the best, for the Reef to become a reality and everyone in it living happily !

Please feel free to add me on Facebook or message me via Edgeryders !


Good luck to you both Céline and Thomas! It was really nice to get to know you, and maybe see you around! =) <3


What a pity that @ThomasMaertens and you will leave :confused: but I am glad I got to meet you! I wish you all the best for your future!


i am sorry for this loss, thank you for your help and for being so nice, you will be missed

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