Anticipate ! Exploring Collective Intelligence Design

@nihilsbaxter not sure, in transit right now, so cannot be part of the community call

uhkay - well good journey then!

@Nihilsbaxter I think call is here Launch Meeting - Zoom

the calls are every Tuesday 18:00. will include you in the reminders in future! :slight_smile:

Hi Maria, could you also include me in the reminders, please?

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Ok will do so :). Next call is on Tuesday 18:00

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re auto-updates don’t think that is true for profile info though

@MariaEuler @soenke Thanks! Is it the same Zoom - space (Launch Meeting - Zoom) everytime or could I get the link with your reminder?

Is there a google calendar for this? I don’t want to miss it :slight_smile:

Yes it is the same link. Will add the Google calender link in a bit

@soenke I am not sure what you are referring to? What profile?

Hi all,

I have introduced myself shortly here: How to balance the needs of the individual and the collective? Collective Intelligence and more....

And also talked to Soenke last week, and we happily got a good connection.

I contribute to the area of collective intelligence in several ways as researcher and entrepreneur, and I take a mixed approach of Online and Offline methods and technologies and its combination.

For example:

  • As Entrepreneur (and somehow artist), at the yearly Build Peace Conference I organize workshops and interactive exhibitions on Co-creation. You can see 2 photos of the exhibition here: (this is a draft website that needs to still be finished) You see there my daughter and some screens and projections. We do this together. She is a Minecraft expert and she supports me to help others with the computers in case it is too much for me when there is too much people. We do exercises in which we use co-creation of the ideal home place for a person on paper, lego, and also on Minecraft. We learn to co-draw, co-decide, co-design, co-budget.

  • As researcher: I have for example co-written 4 projects to the Nesta call on Collective Intelligence. I hope that at least one of them gets some budget. One of the project ideas is about collective decision making tools, and a study of polarization/collaboration. Another one is related to intergenerational collective decision making. Another one is about Decentralized/Distributed Governance, and another one about Swarm Human Intelligence. Probably one of this projects ideas or the combination of all of them could be submitted to a H2020 call on democracy, collective decision making. We will be looking into this with @soenke

  • As a speaker, I work mostly on awareness, showing to people that we can transform the way we decide and do it collaboratively, also transform our organizations and in general society, for more participation, and horizontal organizations. Talks vary from TEDx, to other international conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Peace Movements. I can give a list of these but will only post the TEDx for now:

I hope to collaborate with more people over here <3
Initially I feel that the collaboration will start with Soenke, probably with a follow up event in Brussels. Let’s see how this unfolds… :slight_smile:

Warm regards,

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Thank you very much for this introduction @lylycarrillo! This sounds amazing! You mentioned that you are shortly hosting an event, could you tell us more about that?

@nadia and @noemi, Lylycarillo would also be interested in collaboration in Brussels.

Hi @MariaEuler ,

Yes, I am hosting the ‘Cooperate at Scale’ event, and it would be lovely to host it as part of the Anticipate project and also part of the Next Generation Internet activities. @soenke mentioned that some financial support could be given, and I will be happy to receive your support on how to adapt the content to receive support (adding Edgeryders as co-organizer? organizer?, mentioning the EU code for the projects?, adding an Edgeryders speaker?, adding an Anticipate speaker?). The link to the event is here:

The current program is the following:

Come and hear about Collaboration, Collective Intelligence and Next Generation Internet technologies that facilitate this to happen!

Schedule and Content:

09:00 am - Registration, coffee and networking

09:30 am - Welcome words, data and collective intelligence. By Liliana Carrillo

09:45 am - Keynote: Decentralized cooperation at Scale. By Michel Bauwens

10:15 am - E-Women, safer access to e-democracy. By Anna Melenchuk

10:30 am - Global border-less democracy, Open Source. By Paula Berman

10:45 am - Panel: Intelectual Property for Collaboration. How to protect your ideas and inventions from theft? With Alain Souloumiac, Dick Van Gelder, Elena Bachert, Reinhard Dhondt Moderator: Philippe Van Impe

11:45 am - Coffee/tea break - Networking

12:15 am - Holochain Meetup: Introduction and Q&A. By Raphi See.

12:45 am - Closing words & networking

13:00 pm - Doors close.

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Thanks @MariaEuler for moving this forward!
@nadia, @noemi, I have had a great talk with @soenke, and we would like to have some follow up meetup in Brussels. I am in Amsterdam at the moment as I am one of the Speakers at the European Women in Tech conference, and for this reason I will not be able to attend the first Anticipate event in Germany.

How do you recommend us to move forward? I would like to host it as DigitYser. And one idea can be to work with Minecraft as I do it with my daughter, for co-creation of the ideal community, on paper, with lego and digitally.

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Hi @MariaEuler,

To move this event forward, and reuse materials, I would like some volunteers to take photos and films the talks. Could you help me to find volunteers for this an other things?

Also, to try to make it for EU funds around the festival, please send me the form that needs to be filled in, and we do our best till the end, and hope for the best :slight_smile: as said in the call.

Thanks in advance!

Warm regards,

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form is send. @noemi, do you no people in Brussels who would be interested going there and taking some pictures?

@lylycarrillo, can you make a new topic post such as this one from soenke in the top, including the FAQ there and I will tagg it accordingly to push it to the website and festival programm

@soenke The event has been published here: Cooperation at Scale, Next Generation Collective Intelligence and Internet! - #2 by lylycarrillo

Thanks @soenke @MariaEuler @nadia for your support!
I will start to sent the attendees to the event page.

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