Here is my bio: Historically compassionate vegetable.
(I’ll send a photo to Alberto on Signal)
Lie had written ‘send them to Alberto’, so we sent them you by pm. But here they are again:
Leonard: science & politics, books & games, mountain, forest & sea, looking for serenity and connection.
Barbara: anthropologist, mother, sceptical public servant.
Ping @Nele, @JeremyH, @BarbaraG, @leonard, @ugne and @manuelpueyo: I took the liberty to mention the names of your beautiful daughters on our website, in an attempt to make it clear that we’re a child-friendly place. I’m assuming this ok, but feel free to let me know if it’s not of course. I also added a question on which language we speak with the children in the FAQ section.
Sure, ok!!
Fine by us too!
Mini-bio: Passionate about fermented drinks and my 2 kids.
Name of the mini-reeflings: Loïc and Marvin
@alberto My picture is in the folder and here is my mini bio:
Curious person who loves waking up with sunshine & coffee, reading, hiking, cycling & camping.
Minibio : Tech savvy. Loves DIY. Problem solver.
@alberto : la foto di noi 4 è nella cartella nextcloud
Thank you all, updated the website. A few missing info:
- @anon78992831 I could not find a mini-bio for you and Aline. Also, are you planning for Aline to have her own account on this forum, or will you represent the household?
- @Marc_O same as for Sebastien: are you planning for Ana to have her own account on this forum, or will you represent the household? If you represent the household, could you change your mini-bio so it also take her into account (and maybe the children, too, since you all appear in the photo? And if you both plan to have accounts, then you should probably each upload a photo.
Sorry for being so pedantic!
Hi @alberto, where to insert the mini-bio ? Aline will be back from her ‘pause carrière’ in mid august and will probably create her own account. Best, seb
Ciao @alberto , Ana will create her account as soon as she can! At this point she’ll upload a picture & minibio and then I’ll change my picture too
Right in this thread. for example, here is how Julien did it (I am surprised that he did not describe himself as a Brusselleer, though ):
Ok, everyone, @anon78992831 wins the best mini-bio award, hands down.
Though you did cheat a bit, Seb: this is a couple bio rather than your own.
What you seek is seeking you
@alberto, what happened to this? I don’t necessarily mind to drop it of course, but I think some consistency is always good. Now it looks like we are a majority of single people, with only one household with two children.
Also: ping @Janet and @Victor can you please add yours? It’s point 2 in the checklist for Associate Members. Many thanks!