ASBL photos and mini-bios for the website

Janet Mini Bio: science and innovation enthusiast, food and books lover, aspiring to be a nature-grounded
Victor Mini Bio: unstoppable book reader (FR, Spanish, Eng.), microbes enthusiast, food lover
@Victor will prefer not to add a picture :slight_smile: he is very GDPR compliant

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An avatar OK? A picture of a microbe? :slight_smile:

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Website updated. Missing:

  • Add Aline’s picture and mini-bio (upon her return) and revisit that of Seb.
  • Add Adriana’s picture in the Portraits folder.
  • Revisit @Marc_O 's and Ana’s profile; have one mini-bio + picture each, and probably better no picture of the boys as they cannot give their consent.
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hehe yes , an avatar was added in the Folder :slight_smile:

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@alberto would it be ok for you to take the picture with the children offline?

@Adriana can you please have a look at the checklist of things to do, and your picture and mini-bio? TIA!

Replaced that with a generic CC0 photo of a flower.

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Hi, photo uploaded.
Mini Bio: Adopted by Brussels since 1995, incredible experiences here and a lot of happiness


I suppose this goes for @anon78992831. What about you, @Namaline ?

Mini bio Aline :
I thought just “Blonde” but Seb told me to make an effort… so “mix of eco-enthusiast and eco-depressed, tries to find a balance in town”


Mini bio: Feminist. Likes singing (classical), cycling and languages.


@alberto, my mini bio : loves manual work, marvels at the beauty of nature, adores sleeping in
(I’ll look for a picture this weekend and will put it in the portraits folder => just added it)


@Angelika and @els added to the website.


Hello @alberto!

My mini-bio: likes lazy long discussions over consecutive cups of coffee, dancing and travelling south

Pictures already in the folder :slight_smile:

Hello @alberto
My mini bio: likes mountains, books and Mediterranean life. Brussels seemed the perfect compromise!

Picture is in the folder as well

@Evi and @bram added to the website. :slight_smile:

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My mini-bio: Changemaker. Love art performance and improvisation. Enjoy nature and listening to silence.


Welcome @AnnaN! I don’t see your picture, though. It should be in the Portraits folder.

@alberto, nice to e-meet you! We are the new associate members.
Please find our mini bio below.
Pictures are in the portraits folder with our first name each.

Herbalist & Film festival Director, Acts with a touch of herbal magic and a sharp
4k resolution view.

The man of planetary happiness for all.
Prosperity and harmony with each other and nature.


Hello @Hilde and @Geert1, your pictures and mini-bios (and what mini-bios! Color me impressed) now grace The Reef’s website, thank you. Looking forward to meeting you in person and discussing herbalism, film festivals and planetary harmony. :slight_smile:

@alberto Great, thanks for this nice complements ! I also changed Anna’s Noppens picture name. It was in the portrait folder, but was gaven a number and maybe the reason you didn’t find it.