Best of Wellbeing in Europe: stories in Czech, Polish, German!

Hi all, I’d like to share with you what is on the horizon this week in our growing community!
Edgeryders has always been multilingual, but never before as today. If you happen to see posts in languages other than your own don’t hesitate to translate the page i.e. in English and leave comments in any language.

We have the first ever story in Czech on Edgeryders! Meet @Jirka_Kocian, researcher at Charles University in Prague, who shares his story of feeling trapped in a 90s public hospital in Bohemia, with a broken leg. He felt like he was in a house of horror, where doctors and nurses had to work hundreds of hours of unpaid overtime for ridiculous money. Similarly, his friend is struggling to fight off inaccurate medication that made her symptoms worse!

Tremendous stories from Poland! The lovely @pwawrzynczyk titled hers: ‘How I became a sex educator’. After 13 years of activism and volunteerism, her passion has become her work and London, where she is based now, provides that opportunity.

Before ending, let’s welcome the latest community member in Wellbeing in Europe! @Emily is a journalist working for the WDR station in Germany. She wants to work on projects combating populism and sees the best potential in collaborative problem solving and communities like Edgeryders: ‘I believe that this combination of problem-solving, contact and network nurturing among each other is the best “medicine” against populism.’ Well done Emily for introducing yourself, and hoping others who are around will also tell their personal experiences!

A reminder to all, we are looking for stories of wellbeing in health, work, and morality/ spirituality. Learn more about it and give it a try!