present @amelia, @bojanbobic, @hugi, @IvanC, @johncoate, @MariaEuler, @marina, @matthias, @nadia, @noemi
Update from team leaders:
@amelia: Meetings between ethnographers, outreach and community managers have proved very helpful and should be continued.
There is a lot of content on the platform, Kate will concentrate on coding in the following period, and Leonie on eventual liaison tasks.
On POPREBEL side: anthology is looking good.
A Polish and a German ethnographer have been hired and will start working in February to gather data for the platform – part of the experimentation on new ways of procuring data. In particular Manya will communicate with Jan and Wojtek on the necessary inputs.
John: there is a huge amount of work to be donefor the upcoming events and we will need support from Rob
Marina: revisions and allocations period, it is necessary to go over the budget together to aligne and adjust our procedures in accordance with FreeAgent software configuration.
Strategy meeting 14 January 2021
full day meeting with many topics
It is necessary to shape the discussion beforehand and not only about the ongoing projects.
Proposal – each participant needs to post his considerations and proposals in advance and we shall dedicate adequate time to each of these, defining the six months to one year timeline of the new cycle.
Main questions around which to build them:
- What are the main things you learned about the last year?
- What are your specific ideas for change?
- Which topics or themes are you interested in pursuing beyond specific projects?
- How do we want to begin new projects? What would you like to be different?
- What are the organisational questions that should be set up in advance?
- Introduction of the MIRO board
Among the first proposals regarding NGI, these topics arose: future of work, green transition, tech and the future of Internet.
In order to help us focus and produce high quality content in the POPREBEL segment – curation work needs to be done beforehand.
Starting from the research deliverables and to give sense of continuity to our work – we should publish the annual book as a point of contact for the community. It would need coordination between ethnography and outreach.
Regarding the NGI (and in general), a timeline with milestones is necessary as well as dedicated sessions on processing the material.
Marina: The topics Nesta and Commission expect are outlined in the review meetings. If the community journalism is accepted, we are good. The risk, always present in this kind of projects, is the deliverable might be refused. The points are summarised here.
Graphryder 2.0
There is a budget allocated for the work, Hugi is managing the project.
The new Graphryder needs to be set up because the old one is close to the end of its cycle. More here.
The main idea is a script that creates a graph which allows to rebuild all of the conversations on all of our platforms over night (max 24h delay).
The first work is done, after a meeting with Ouestware company, specialised in open source tech, whose libraries we have already been using for old Graphryder, we decided we will work with them to build a structure and a new dashboard in the next three months, starting from February.
In the meantime, a meeting in the next few weeks is necessary with @amelia, @alberto, @matthias and @mariaeuler to define the first principles of the program – connections, explorations, the way it behaves etc. (not a proper product design but a starting point).
In the Green Deal projects we are working on three proposals: Eurenda, ATSI, 3CN and are moving towards negotiating budgets.
Agenda for the next week’s meeting will be organised by @nadia and @MariaEuler