commons, commons, community
Hi Noemi
that’s very close about what I was talking about when referring to language of the commons.
Since it is something we care about we didn’t think so much (and I 'd say not enough) to what we were actually talking about. One of the reason is that the word “common” itself is so…common…that it may refere to various ideas.
For example the idea of common heritage (for me, but not only for me) is not coincident with the one of commons: there are points of overlapping but it’s not the same.
One of the reason behind this issue is that…we can make a game and ask to people "talking and caring"about the commons when this topic arised, I guess than half of them will consider it very very recent (I am not talking of researchers, of course). They won’t be completely wrong because as a matter of policy making (as you underlined) it is actually very recent…but it is an argument for economics since almost 45 years!!!
Moreover I agree with you about common resources (discourse close to the one on common heritage).
The connection between commons and community and responsibility, for example is etymological…since Latin, but almost no one knows about it (I am pretty sure about it since part of my dissertation was about it!)
Another issue is about the difference between " the common good" (which is, at least in Italian, “what is good for the entire community” or "what is good for everyone), “the common”, singulare, or better “the commonwealth” (as the famous book by M. Hardt and A. Negri) and “the commons”, plural, or “the commons good”.
Finally he idea of commons has been used (at least in italy) as political slogan by traditional leftwing parties, which might be good, beside the fact that they did it in a completely meanless way ( this is strictly my opinion, of course)
Then there are all the legal stuff concerning the commons and their position between public and private.Nowhere in the legislation in europe there is any reference to the commons.
There has been a legal document in Italy and there is an European Citizens initiative about it…but both of them haven’t had any practical result yet.
Commons are matter of economics, policy makin, politics and law; beside being a social argument!
That’s what I meant with talking about the language of the commons…
(and by the way I am doing a research about it!)
I hope I was enough clear,
and apologies for replying so late to your first question, Noemi