At lote4 this year we ran the first iteration of the Harmonious Hackathon idea birthed at lote3. What is a Harmonious Hackathon? (audience for this text is the startup scene):
During the community meeting the day after lote the consensus was that it makes sense to keep doing them. But more often than just once a year, more as a recurring thing that runs on a regular basis as a p2p support infrastructure.
So we would like to build on what we learned and keep developing the format and turn it into a fun, useful and economically viable line of activity for everyone involved. I have committed to do business development, fundraising and outreach for a series of Harmonious Hackathons next year and welcome 1-2 more people to join the core team. I would especially welcome help with the tech coordination (especially the requirements engineering bits).
I believe it makes sense to start by learning from the experience: If you can answer three questions that would be very helpful.
Would you be up for participating again and if yes, when would be a good place and time of the year for you?
Which things did you think we got right and which ones could do with a lot more improvement in your opinion?
Would you be interested in contributing to organising a harmonious hackathon and if so around what task/project/theme?