Call for LOTE4 Team Coordinators and Case Studies


Dear Edgeryders,

LOTE4 The Stewardship is coming fast and so is the progress in preparations. You know already that the key dates are 23 - 26 of October, when we will meet in Matera to experience the annual gathering and a conference built around the topic of stewardship.

Before that, a few selected projects will be explored, improved and polished by a group of specialists during the hackathon which will take place in Matera too between 15 and 23 of October. The call for projects is still open.

As usual, while building such events there is always space for your contribution and involvement - we want LOTE4 to be yours too. We have two main fields in which you might find a perfect place for yourself:

  1. Be a crowdsorcerer / sorceress! Become a lote4 team coordinator and get free training from Edgeryders - this won’t take all your time and energy, and it will surely give you the proper insight into what is happening in the teams, how is the event growing, and finally - bring you with us to beautiful Matera. Just check the link and drop us a line and we will happily welcome you on board.

  2. Case Studies - our database of The Stewardship project is already vast (100 cases from many countries), but we need more. If you want to devote some time and energy, use your camera and practice documentation, you can either join our travelling team in one of the cities (point out new initiatives missing in the list, host someone, come to the meetup) or tell us the story from your place and let us see how the Stewardship is done there:

Here you have the Facebook list of our events and meetings. We’re excited to meet you online and offline very soon!

With best wishes