Co-producing printed materials for #lote3!


Ok, I’m working on the postcards!

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[Pacheca] we should make an effort to finish tomorrow. If you can make a layout I can put text into it ok? Pdf high resolution is ok for printing. Send me also ID files (cs5) so that I can able to modify if they ask. Ciao!

I added the design files but add whatever look you want

I really liked the things Rita has done for lote and think they are waaay more interesting than the ones above. I just think the print reay files could be useful for dimensions etc.

I added the design files but add whatever look you want

I really liked the things Rita has done for lote and think they are waaay more interesting than the ones above. I just think the print ready files could be useful for dimensions etc.

Ready at 12:00

Hi guys, I have read your comments and will be with you from 12:00 on! Get something ready for me to work on :wink: I have  the whole afternoon to work with you. Maybe we could hangout or skype inbeween. My skype name: melzigthiel

Is there any MAP already done, to adapt?

shouldn’t there be a MAP locating the unMon?

So that people know where to look for the LOTE3 event?

Isn’t it the meeting point spot during the event?

could put it in the back of the A5 postcard


Made first version of the small circles. In Dropbox, please have a look.

Let’s get together the other content for: collaboration cards, feedback cards, and more prorgram/poster stuff. It would be great if we could finish that until the beginning of next week…

Let’s get together to talk about this, when?

Dear Caroline and all,

First, found the other editable file that Nadia had sent: It´s in the updated dropbox folder. ("ER program folding poster”)

The file you’ve made would be:  “  round stickers for the back”, yes?

(like Jay Cousin’s " talk to me about" stickers but round and with the questions)

I think this would do it! something simple and clear! :- )

I would only try a variation, in which the sentence leaves a bit more room for the comments?..

According to what we’ve talked before, the design package would contain:

  1. A5 Folded Booklet

Program + session documentation form

(with instructions & questions to answer)

Besides the possibility of being printed by Ben (if we send it on time)

Could be a downloadable file, just like unPilgrim’s infopack with critical LOTE3 information.

One might not want to print it, preferring to use it on a mobile or tablet.

(Tiago’s comment indicates, that this point seems to have something in common with what  was discussed in yesterday’s community call… ? )

  1. Collaboration cards + round stickers (pack with all faces)

With fields people can fill in. Card can then be scanned with entries fed into database

(check out camcard app to get idea)

I believe we need to think this better… (cards only make sense if we have the stickers, right?)

what are the limitations of the app, (quantity/quality of data)

It would be something like: 3 circles to stick of the faces images + blank space for writing key phrases?..

does It has to have the usual visit card size? there is not much space…

  1. Directory of participants  (to make it easy to find new people you want to talk to)

I’m afraid that this idea on printed paper, end’s up not being very practical…

and probably more paper to recycle after, than actually being useful in loco. (IMHO)

For now, we have this equivalent page “who’s coming to lote

  1. BIG circle papers

for putting on the floor Photo Stickers of participants (one pack with all faces for each person to be recieved on registration)

If we end up doing the global introduction session that Nadia referred (I don’t know if it is in the plans for now… is it?)

This might be improvised with big spreads of paper in loco?

(doesn’t really need graphic design, does it?)

I’ll be taking care of the templates for documenting

Template for documentation of sessions, ideally as an entry to the UnMonasterian’s Cookbook

  • Question trying to solve
  • 5 conclusions
  • mind map / drawing of what was said
  • most tweeted content 
  • Form: could be a modified version of this A5 Folded Booklet containing: Program + Session documentation form (with instructions & questions to answer) + Poster 

I think I understand what needs to be done, especially when considering the UnMonasterian’s Cookbook as an output. The template that will include all the above characteristics needs to be an both an easy-to-fill and synthesis exercise.

Maybe I saw the wrong file, but I don’t really see how the A5 Folded Booklet (containing: Program + Session documentation form (with instructions & questions to answer) + Poster) is helpful… maybe a short talk would be best in order to share these thoughts? I’ll be more available this week.

In any case I’ll start with the template.

Thanks guys! Looking good all the dropbox files! : )



Hi Tiago, Great!! :- )

Yes, we can have an Hangout!

Caroline and Nadia?

Anyway, I can talk!

(today until 13:00 CET or at night, from 21:00)


21:00 is fine for me! See you then, YC

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Rita and Caroline,

Great we can talk! I’ll be available after 2230 (Madrid time, think it’s CET). Is it ok with you?

Fine with me, 22.30h!

Tiago and Caroline,

Fine with me, 22.30h!

Meet you on hangout usual link.

On the road, missed the hangout!

Hey Guys, im travelling several times this week so hard to make it to hangouts. Please ask me if I can help asynchronously!

Documenting Templates

Hi everyone,

Quick comment to mention that i’ve uploaded the template for the facilitators (or any responsible person) for documenting the session.

If this works, than I would do the google survey with the same categories for the online version.

If feedback is fast, I could include the link on the A3 template that is on dropbox (inside folder > documenting template)

Take care!!

How many copies: 40?

Tiago, this is what was discussed yesterday.

Thank you for the effort! (It even seems allowing space for writting the answers in A4 format…)

A tool that allows one to stop, processing and writing it down.

(this kind of stuff can, after, be photographed - possible data and material for the cookbook?)

If Ben has to receive this stuff until the end of today…

Is leaving to decide how many copies do you think are needed: 40?

The other stuff will probably have to be improvised in loco.

We were discussing yesterday about the possibility of hanging on the walls of the unMon big paper sheets allowing us all to share, write or draw some thoughts or insights. Even having a panel in the wall of each session that in the end could be photographed for keeping a record and to share it online with the rest of the community…

[Rita O] it’s easy to get paper sheets of large format in MAtera?

(I would say A0 minimum or rolls of paper for plotting that could be cutted in the desired size)

Help needed?

Hey y’all!!

I just attended my first “building lote3” hangout (I know it’s a bit late…) and read on the blog there was a need for graphic designer.

Maybe I could help you?

Also Noemi mentioned it would be nice to have the identified Matera’s social problems at the entrance of the unmonastery. I think currently these are on a spreadsheet…

And I’ll also finish this email talking about another thing that Noemi mentioned: documentation of the sessions. How about making a template/proposal where the facilitators/person responsible for the session can “download” what was said, worked, etc, during the session.

This could include:

  • Question trying to solve

  • 5 conclusions

  • mind map / drawing of what was said

  • most tweeted content

Let me know… can join this afternoon on skype (tiagodiasmiranda) or hangout!


Tiago, thre are several things we could use help with. Have you seen the post I wrote here about this?
