Communicating next week's events

Ave atque vale, unMonasterians. I am getting ready to join you next Sunday.

I have done a little bit of outreach on the Network Pizza event on Sunday, and sure enough I have 14 people signed up for it on the GoogleDoc – if we are 8, that will be enough, it’s quite technical and nobody cares except a few geeks. I would like to give Ksenia and Dorotea, who signed up on the Edgeryders platform, some streaming, but I am not sure that will be feasible.

However, I have seen nothing about the wrapup event of the 22ns. It is quite an important occasion, and I think well worth the effort promoting it a bit. I would put it on the CountOnMe digest (here’s how it works, in case you have missed it), but also as an Edgeryders event and as a Facebook event on the Edgeryders page. And of course there needs to be a strategy to put the word out to the city. I can ask the webteam to help, but I need a link – ideally one on the MT2019 community.

While you are at it, could you also upload the Network Pizza as an event on the unMonastery’s Facebook page? Thanks!

Just FYI

To explain the silence, initial communications should be up on Facebook by end of day for 22nd. The rest is waiting on contact with Serafino and confirming press release etc with MT2019.

Will be sure to push out Network pizza on social networks and ensure it’s added to the newsletter etc.

communication plan for unMonastery event on 22nd

the invitation text has been finalized and should go out today, text is below- please send to your contacts or put contact you would like us to invite in guest list

Overview of planning

Met on July 8 with Rosell and Rita and they agreed to one day event on July 22 with informal presentations but structured to both show our work visually and engage people in conversation about how the work to address the challenges can continue in Matera. Ideally we would present with our local partners/collaborators.

Monday 14

Everyone add their contacts to the guest list

Begin personal invitations to partners, friends and supporters.

Begin daily posting on social media (Juliana for unMonastery, for comitato Rafella, for Edgeryders?)

Send out invitation to individual contacts and mailing list from unMon (Juliana), Comitato (Raffaella), and municipality (Nino)

Call to individual contacts for each project (ALL)

Wednesday July 16

Everyone has a short description of their projects ready to submit to Nino

please put them here unOpening Project descriptions DUE WED July 16

Important that the content can also be used in social media of Comitato, Edgeryders and Unmonastery, FB, newletter and twitter, and be in both English and Italian. (Chi traduce italiano / inglese?)

Wednesday July 16

Start to work with posters (Katalin, Juliana, Maria, Emanuela)

Friday 19

Finalise the press release (Emanuela)

Sunday 20

Send invitation for press conference (Nino)

Wednesday July 17- 21 all hands on deck preparing displays and space for un-opening (ALL)

(more details in unopening planning doc)

UnMonastery Open Day 

martedì 22 luglio - ore 19.00

complesso del Casale - Matera

Sapete che Matera ha sperimentato il progetto di innovazione sociale unMonastery?

Nel complesso del Casale, uno storico palazzo dei Sassi, sono arrivati da tutta Europa e oltre oceano hacker, ingegneri, artisti, video maker, architetti, etnografi, designer, sviluppatori. Per sei mesi hanno vissuto insieme per sviluppare progetti di ricerca su diversi temi, indicati dalla comunità locale nell’ambito di workshop pubblici

Martedì 22 luglio, a partire dalle 19.00, l’UnMonastery apre nuovamente le porte per raccontare, informare e valutare, assieme ai materani, la strada percorsa e i risultati di questo esperimento. Sarà l’occasione per festeggiare la consegna dei progetti ai cittadini e per capire come continuare a svilupparli in collaborazione con la comunità locale e quella internazionale che hanno preso vita durante questi mesi di lavoro.

Per questa ragione è importante la partecipazione di tutti, dai cittadini ai rappresentanti dell’associazionismo, dai soggetti pubblici a quelli privati interessati a proseguire i progetti o le singole azioni messe in cantiere.

Vi aspettiamo!

Sure, I can help!

I will also ping the webteam. But where is the “mother link”, the home page that we all can refer to on social media? Facebook?

I believe this is it!