Design and prototype harmonious hackathon process for Lote4-The Stewardship

LOTE events are not to be seen as a sudden burst of energy for a few days but rather a process that happens over months, possibly years. A kind of ongoing p2p infrastructural work flow aimed at bringing together people and projects with shared values and to help us all step our game up to maximise potential impact collectively.

This part of the program starts months before with projects posted on the EdgeRyders platform, each project will set out clearly an overview, objectives and requirements for what is to be done on the day. During the lead up to the event, and in the physical sessions, the participants will swarm the project to troubleshoot, refine the objectives and invite others to join the hack. Up to 6 projects and programs are worked on in parallel.

  • Enabling the opportunity to look up and do the kind of open thinking with others that is very generative.
  • Results in building interest and mass around existing and new initiatives or ideas.
  • Ensures work gets done on things that would improve projects and programs, but requires collaborative effort outside day to day operations.

In parallel with the new format we are trying to develop and implement a strategy for achieving economic sustainability so with each edition, less time is spent fundraising and more on building.

LOTE4 doors open on October 23. That gives us just enough time to prototype a format that combines the best of what we loved about the past three lote events and the countless hackathons, barcamps, festivals, unconferences and workshops we have attended. 

So where do we begin? Any ideas?


Naming the format: Dump the hackathon?

Alberto makes a good point about this here. Any ideas @James Lewis?

Too much for my english, but…

… I was thinking about sailing, old and new routes, journeys, a lot of needed tacks (virada en español), and, finally, a harbor (¿harbour?) or a haven, where you rest, think and recharge :slight_smile:

Yes this sailing metaphor has caught wind…

hihi. Its being discussed in this thread.

Anyway with regards to the format @James Lewis, any thoughts or ideas about the next steps after our community call? I came across this description of the Social Startup labs and how they were communicated. Donno, what do you think?