Do you want to join our Covid19 Community Response? A breakdown of Edgeryders activities, roles, tasks and workflows

Hi everyone
Well I am a discourse analyst from Tunisia
What a wonderful idea!
As far as I am concerned I would start by

  1. Learning from the past and taking notes for the future + digital communication under social distancing

  2. Crowdbuilding solutions esp building a mooc to coach community in their immediate actions

  3. I am a question asker + storycrafter + matchmaker

Samira from Tunisia


ok can you put that subcategory in the campfire?

Hello everybody. I’m joining on the request of @martin. I have been reading through the conversation, but still trying to find my place in it. From a research perspective, the labour/work angle is most interesting to me. In addition to an educational perspective (workplace learning, online schools, schools (in)ability to create online programs to support students).
As @martin mentioned my expertise is in social network analysis, text analysis (topic modeling), and sentiment analysis.
I’m happy to help where ever I can,


Great to have you here :slight_smile:

I was observing the last 48 hours how people are gathering online to find different solution for this crisis in tunisia.

I am super overwhelmed by the dynamic and the engagement of people from different ages and backgrounds, working on social and #technical challenges! Nevertheless, I did also observe that a lot of groups are working on the same thing and redoing the same stuff. I think now, it is time maybe to canalize the efforts and avoid redundancy.
My #suggestion would be to create a platform, that facilitate the communication and the coordination of the different working groups. This platform would also serve to condensate the hacks and knowledge that you have been collecting in the last few days.[Amine Abdelmoula]

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Good Morning @nadia and All!

I guess that I can help by bringing to the community some experience from acting at the interface to science. Example: I noticed how difficult it is to understand ‘exponential growth’ or making conclusions having only some observations of a highly dynamic and heterogenic process.

Here a video[explaining exponential growth( The video explains growth rates and how to get reliable numbers from observations.

Here a map (the region where I live) that shows the spacial coverage at two levels of administrative entities (scroll map). The population between entities at the same level may vary by factor two but case numbers vary more. The structure of the public health system is the same. Hence, the differences in cases show differences in detecting them.

best regards,

p.s. additional source:

Wow, that’s good work, everyone!

Welcome to new members @katerinabc and @Sam143, and welcome back to the old hands (looking at you, @alex_levene and @kristofer!).

@yassine_el_metoui_84: I feel you, but it looks like some duplication of effort is inevitable at this stage. The ability of people to coordinate “under fire” only goes that far.

@martin if you need maps, map ninja @piersoft has created the COVID-19 map of reference for Italy. It uses open data from our civil protection agency. 20 million visualizations as of yesterday! Among other goodies, it has a time slider, and keeps track of capacity saturation in intensive care wards. The spatial granularity depends of course on that of the underlying dataset, which in this case goes by province. If you need doing something similar in Germany, his code is open source, and he would certainly be happy to help (given open data…). But you will need a fairly robust server!

@mstn is working with another Italian group, EmergenzeHack, that cut its teeth on the earthquakes a few years ago. They are building a simple app for home deliveries that smaller food shops (as opposed to supermarkets) could use. Discussion on GitHub (in Italian – if you want to help and do not read Italian contact him or me).

Me, I have a small role in this, meant to be a non-big brotherish way to pool locational data in monitoring social distancing.

Do not lose hope, friends!


ok guys, we start by meeting and getting to know a bit about one another and do coordination through a weekly video chat. Join the next one to get started - let us know if you wish to join the next one here: Weekly Covid2019 Community Response Call - #2

It works for me. We should ask also somebody from EmergenzeHack @napo?

@mstn not sure @napo is reading notifs from Edgeryders… I’ll ping him.

learning from the past and kindness, right?

As for structure: We have a community call tomorrow where we hammer this out together.we have a lot of pieces to patch together as you know after our call the other day :space_invader::exploding_head::skull_and_crossbones:

re: sending messages to everyone @matthias is better positioned to answer that. So far we have been very hesitant to do that kind of mass communication with the community, it feels uncertain if that is ok…

It’s forwarded for everyone by default, though people could go in and change that later.

I think it’s ok to do that once during the pandemic crisis. Combined with a message of solidarity, offering support etc. … if people love the message, it’s not spam. But yes, like Nadia says, we generally don’t do this. But it’s a catastrophe, so we’re all welcome now to break the rules if we know how to do that right :slight_smile:

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Ok then it makes sense to do it after we have structured the information collected and make it easy for people who want to contribute A, to do B in place C coordinated by people D. No?


For @martin re: maps and also FYI @mstn : @napo created a COVID-19 dashboard relative to one region, Trentino, with commune-level granularity data. If your area has this kind of data, you could implement it.

Interesting, tourist places seem the most affected. So closing ski slopes was a good choice.


Right, only when ready. And a card to be rarely played. Maybe just once…

@johncoate: what I do is I send group private messages to those who are part of a specific part of

I’ve been trying with messages to 1-10 people at a time, I’m just not sure they get them - it doesn’t look like I’m getting a lot of responses, but it has to be said that these are the Polish and Czechs and Serbians, whose participation on the forum was happening in their own language with close support from co-nationals community managers. Let’s see!

@mstn @kajafarszky @martin @katerinabc @Sam143 @kristofer @ichraf @luddilo @alex_levene : Maria is generously hosting a call later today to pull together our offers, are you joining? See you soon!


It the whole team hosting this and opening up working together :slight_smile:

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@noemi and @MariaEuler I’ll be present for the call! See you a bit later today.