Final Conference in Milan

Dear all,

after many consultations with local stakeholders we have finally agreed on a suitable date for Open Care final conference in Milan on the 8th and 9th November 2017.

The Consortium Meeting therefore would be on the 10th November 2017.

We could make use of the new Milano Luiss Hub for Makers and Students a new Fab Lab center serving the city of Milan as well as other cities in Italy. It is conceived as a service & Learning Center for the Milan’s and international makers’ community. (here a preliminary description of the place).

Please, let us know what do you think about the date and if you are aware of any possible overlapping.

@melancon | @Costantino | @Rossana Torri | @Luciascopelliti | @Lakomaa | @markomanka | @Noemi | @Alberto

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I’m flying from Washington November 8th but I can as well go directly to Milan so it works for me.

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I can be there for the 10th for sure, and hopefully catch at least part of the conference - maybe the 9th. Thanks for keeping us posted.

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After a series of consultations, mainly regarding the Venue of the final conference in Milan, the dates have been shifted (from 8th and 9th November) to 9th and 10th November. We will release a draft version of the Agenda asap.


This change would make it necessary to move the Consortium meeting before the conference - that is WEDNESDAY 8th November - unless you want to work after the conference - that is SATURDAY 11th November. Can you please let us know what date you think is more suitable?

Thank You

@melancon | @Costantino | @Rossana Torri | @Luciascopelliti | @Lakomaa | @markomanka | @Noemi | @Alberto

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November 11th

As I will arrive in Milan November 9th I strongly prefer to have the consortium meeting the 11th.

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Hi to all.
If might be of help, I can contribute to the discussion.
I was away from Edgeriders a lot past months, but I’m back.
@matteo: please freely count on me anytime from now on.

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Nov 11 does not work for me, I need to be back home on Friday Nov 10. Sorry.

Same as @melancon for me


As part of the FINAL CONFERENCE set up, CoM and WeMake lounched a public notice for individual project providers, organizations or companies who wish to compete for new ideas using new technologies, applications, equipment, entrepreneurial projects, digital products and platforms to promote care solutions for communities, families, caregivers or single individuals. Since the deadline is by the 30th September we kindly ask you to help spreading the announcement.

Call for solutions - Open Innovation for Community Care

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On it. @owen , can you add this to the CountOnMe and social media heavy rotation?

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@melancon | @Costantino | @Rossana Torri | @Luciascopelliti | @Lakomaa | @markomanka | @Noemi | @Alberto

Dear all,

Have we finally set a date for the consortium meeting? Is it to be on the 8th or the 11th? as not all the partners replied to this thread, I am asking again. Thanks ! :slight_smile:

Dear all,

As you may already know the Milan Final Conference has been postponed to 22-23rd November and the Consortium meeting on 24th November. We are sorry that you probably had to reschedule your agenda, but we have managed organizational issues as soon as we could.

Of course, all the partners are needed in the consortium meeting and are included in the conference.

So far @alberto (@melancon won’t make it by the 22), @zoescope and @ezio_manzini would have an active role on the 22nd Nov and @lakomaa @costantino @luciascopelliti and @rossana_torri on the 23rd Nov.

We’ll be also talking to @olivier , @winnieponcelet and @gehan to bring voices from the community.

As soon as the agenda would be fairly confirmed, we’ll share it with you all.

Thanks for the understanding and let us know your thoughts

@markomanka @noemi

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Hi @matteo ,
Please tag me in your posts, so that I don’t notice them by mistake, thanks :slight_smile:

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sorry. My mistake @lucechiodelliub

@winnieponcelet @Olivier @lakomaa please check your ER mailbox… I’ve sent you individual messages about Opencare final conference in Milan

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