Developing the world of Witness, bringing it alive and making it more accessible to people through storytelling, co-creation and immersive experiences.
To facilitate the entrance of the newcomers we create multiple pathways in:
- Guide for educators
- Guide for facilitators
- Guide for writers / game designers
- Creative Writing workshops
- Co-creative retreats
Upcoming Opportunities:
- Starting from Giacomo’s idea to organise the Witness installation in Messina’s contemporary art museum as a virtual scenario:
- Upon entering a room equipped with motion sensors and sophisticated projectors, the visitor, touching the walls, enters the immersive interactive experiences (i.e. deep sea for Messina)
- Explore joint activities with Plurality University
Next steps?
Globus Opstart funding for the writers’ retreat is still available at Blivande - @hugi will contact the funders to find an extention
A call for projects on immersive storytelling Academy - StoryFutures
The Writers Salon, for fiction daily words quotas.
Taking the lead: @nadia @hugi @jolwalton @ivan @giacomo.pinaffo