Futurespotters video is up: the making of collaboration in Bucharest

Hi! I hope everyone had a well deserved summer packed with fresh air and breathing time, I know I’ve had my share. Here’s a gift to us all, courtesy of @Gabi_Copoeru whom you met at the July workshop. Thank you Gabi and everyone who took the time!


What did you guys think? I liked how it reflects us dipping our feet in the water and practically seeing great things ahead. The question is what kind of tasks can we take on as a fresh network and community-in-the-making? Networks don’t grow over night, and relationships take time to build. While more resourceful opportunities are on hold still, I am excited about the smaller, equally meaningful activities I see going on among members in the Futurespotters network… This is part of how we could organise ourselves as a loosely coordinated network, like @konrad_mihat is saying in the video. It’s about not waiting for a top down imposed scenario, and build as we go. Here’s what you can (still) follow up on or get involved in:

Over this summer:

Upcoming in September:

  • @Ruxandra, @MANU_BABELE, @Raluca_Iacob_Pop and Ana-Maria_Țoni  planning Bucharest's 2021 participatory democracy platform (7th Sept)
  • Bogdan, Alex, Noemi joining Noaptea Caselor with @yozness. NGO Hub aka Vi-si-n Hub meets Colivia and other community hotspots in Bucharest (26 September)
  • idea-stage project cooking as I write this: a giant outdoor community fridge to explore waste reduction and set a pretext for conversations around the unseen resources we have - physical and human! (Jan-Feb 2016)
  • a cryptoparty with Ceata.org and TCT (end of September tba)

Thoughts? What are you personally up to? Anything you would want to get involved in? As far as I know most of these initiatives are open and would gladly benefit from the smallest gift :slight_smile:


Great stuff! And some thoughts about the video

I am really impressed by how you guys in Bucharest keep at it. All of this emergent collaboration is bound to get you places! Well done, really.

I also love the video, kudos to @Gabi_Copoeru. I find most inspiring the part in which you are entering abandoned spaces. Maybe this is associated to the sense of taking action and exploring new opportunities, that is visually conveyed by the people moving about in spaces that look strange and interesting, taking pictures, talking to each other in excitement… I am wondering if we are ready for a more radical aesthetics, our comms material showingaction without permission, benevolent and oriented to the common good of course. What do you guys think?

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Community fridge to fight against food waste

Hi all,

thanks Noemi for the fantastic update! Are you back in Bucharest? If yes it would be fantastic to organize a beer meetup sometimes this weekend or next week.

Regarding the meeting for the participatory democracy platform: unfortunately it got cancelled. We were supposed to organize it at Hanul Gabroveni, but finally there was no possibility any more. So we will have to organize it somewhere else a little bit later (end of September).

Regarding the community fridge: I actually have a very good friend that has experience with these kind of initiative (he has created a community fridge in Denver and then another one in Columbia, and I think he is now working to put one in place in Brazil). Here is his project described in Babele. He could share with us his experience (the one in the US was very interesting: the authorities shut it down, but then he managed to make a petition and got a lot of media coverage…)

Looking forward to see you all again.



Hey you!

I’m traveling a bit and will be back in Bucharest after mid September. Will call for a meetup for sure, but don’t wait for me if you want to host something before, I won’t mind of course. We could couple the reunion with the discussion about the platform, especially if you are still interested.

Re: Fridge! Actually I started by sending some thoughts to @Ciprian and then pinging other friends in Cluj (text in Ro below)… It seems it really took off because we’ve started to work on it already. We could be planning 2 iterations, one in each city, if more people are up for it. We already have a name, dare to say… I will for sure want to get in touch with this guy, give us a week to move forward with the initial research so that we’re better prepared. Thank you dearly.


  • am construi poate cu cei de la hackerspace un super frigider comunitar - mai degraba o vitrina uriasa care sa fie si o modalitate de prezentare a mancarii si care, sincera sa fiu ar fi mai greu de furat (de genul 3-4m inaltime si capacitate cel putin dubla fata de cel mai mare de pe piata). poate il facem pe roti, daca baietii ne ajuta, si va fi si o chestie mobila. 
  • frigiderul ar stoca o combinatie de mancare cumparata + mancare gatita dupa retete funky, pentru o combinatie de oameni saraci dar si oameni de tip foodies. Cei care nu-si permit primesc pe gratis, iar oamenii care nu mor de foame sa lase cat considera in functie de cum le-a placut mancarea. Eu vreau ceva anti-charity si anti-labeling si anti-segregare, dar si anti-hipsteresc, ceva fara valori gata atasate, ca sa nu intram in discursurile sociale tipice. 
  • frigiderul ar fi un loc de socializare si planificare cu oameni (mereu noi!) a unor cine sociale in contexte inedite - cum sunt cele de la Pop Up dinners si poate mai salbatice. Exempli: tu iti lasi cartea de vizita prin mancarea super buna pe care o pui in frigider si gasesti oameni care ar fi dispusi sa finanteze o cina "made by .." :-) si multe alte variante de sustenabilitate..
  • frigiderul ar fi un loc de adunat povesti de strada la rece, asa incat poate deveni spatiu pentru diverse proiecte antropologice sau documentare
  • frigiderul ar fi responsabilitatea unei comunitati, nu a noastra, noi incepem dupa care recrutam oamenii de pe strada/cartierul x sa il ingrijeasca si aprovizioneze ca pe un bun public, iar noi ne mutam si incepem o noua iteratie in alta zona a orasului. ceva ca o miscare, nu ca un proiect care depinde de echipa initiala.
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For beer meetup

@Ruxandra talk to @Catrinel, I hear she’s in town this week.  Me, I’m gonna plan something around 24th.

for beer meetup

Hi all

I will be in Bucharest for the weekend, would love to meet for a beer and talk to see what have you all been up to. @Ruxandra are you still on?

hope to see you soon!

Friday evening

Does Friday evening sound good to you? other Edgeryders are up to join us?


In for Friday evening beers

See ya tomorrow!

friday eve going out

Hi all

Friday eve it is perfect for me @Alex_Stef and @Ruxandra

Sorry for the late reply, I did not get these messages, I am here in Bucharest :slight_smile:

Who else is in?  Where should we meet?

See you soon