Gary O'Meara - Chairperson of Ireland’s National Association of Community Enterprise Centres (NACEC)


My name is Gary O’Meara and I work for a local government organization called Meath Enterprise which is a very large community hub embedded in the community. We also have Kells tech hub which is smaller with more of a focus on technology, and I’m part of an association called the National Association of Community Enterprise Centers in Ireland.

Short term, the challenges presented by COVID have been reconfiguring spaces and bringing in new technology in to support hubs and our clients; then the medium to longer term opportunities in terms of future work, blended working, remote working and how we can facilitate that.

With multinationals, the public sector and even colleges working remotely, COVID has accelerated the need for quality standards, technology and the adoption and digitization of these hubs and how they operate. COVID presents an opportunity for these hubs to be at the very center of a national regional development program where we can work with these remote workers, breathing life and bringing money and bringing energy back into local communities.

Meet Gary at our event on 21/7. Registration is free of charge. To get your ticket, just post a thoughtful comment here to help drive the thinking and learning forward and we will send you the access code. Did you sign up via eventbrite? We ask that you too contribute to the conversation here ahead of the event to ensure everyone is on the same page, better networking etc. More info.

@NACEC, thank you for signing up on the platform!

Looking forward to the event.

You might also be interested to see some rural specific initiatives popping up in other Europe countries, like in Portugal… worth checking out!

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