Heads up: consent funnel on the way

As per our proposal, we are bound to implement a “consent funnel” to make sure people participating in OpenCare know what they are doing when they discuss care issues. Care is a sensitive matter, and people might inadvertently disclose things about themselves that they do not really want to.

@markomanka has come up with a really great funnel. It is described in the project’s first ethics-related deliverable – as soon as it is finished we will publish it here in the OpenCare space. Working on that deliverable, Marco and I had a really interesting discussion about privacy, knowledge sharing and regulation on data protection; we have agreed for Marco to summarize it in a post, to be published in the public-facing OpenCare space.

The funnel will be implemented by ScImpulse on their own budget. They need admin access to Drupal – @Matthias, can you please coordinate with them on this?

No admin access needed.

The clean way to do this is, they develop a feature-based module based on our latest  Edgeryders Commons software and an emptied-out database I can provide. I can then install the module on our server.

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Seen this, Marco?

Ping @markomanka.

Consent funnel submitted to the EC this morning.

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Marco, any word on this?

@markomanka, we are in a difficult position. Engagement has started, content is coming in, but it does NOT come through the consent funnel. I am asking ScImpulse to:

  • implement it ASAP. 
  • find a hack for the stuff already submitted, we can't afford to throw it away!

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My apologies @alberto, with all that happened I had not pushed this enough. It’s now among my priorities.

@Matthias, we will then make available a module for Drupal 7, and you will take care of deploying it on your side.
