Honourable unPompous Lote3 and unMonastery Hosts Committee

This is a group for the Lote3 and unMonastery Hosts Commitee.

Our Role(s) :

The host committee has been enjoying inspiring conversations all summer, and we would like to propose the contributions to make Lote3 even more welcoming space.

Work Titles

[bembo-davies] - the Precious Fountain of the Ancient Tradition have offered to help everyone find the great name for their jobs titles.

our work titles are :

Dorotea - Atmosphere Choreographer,

 havartu – Ambassador of Counterbalance

you - … ?


We also propose for everyone to bring a mini-workshop to share one-on-one, and this can be shared at any time, also at the proposed unDojo space .

The unDojo Space

We also propose a space in which everyone can have a peaceful moment, as Lote might be an intense experience, to reflect and connect with one-self and each-other .

To have a tea and to meditate or just enjoy a peaceful moment, reflect on meaningful questions and co-design answers.

We plan to host there the big tracks such as

how to make meaningful projects happen - the cookbook ,

and how do we care better for each other .

The unParty

We also plan to contribute to make the great unParty

(we prefer this name rather than unHalloween )

co-creating good vibes and good atmosphere

the role of hosts, especially the atmosphere choreographer, is also to help to make everyone feel good at lote3, co-creating good vibes and good atmosphere, and facilitate the environment for serendipity and synergies.