How to estimate the size and price of your appartments

=> i have absolutely no idea, i will adapt…

=> i don’t know exactly what you’re talking about, let’s talk when you’re back from holiday… I should also integrate the ‘studio’ tab in the jet-14 simulation file…


Hello @els and @Sarah,

I see that the calculator also calculates the money one would need with a 5% safety buffer instead of 10%. I don’t want to be the annoying one (again :sweat_smile:), but if the agreement is that everybody needs a safety buffer of 10%, why are we calculating what 5% would represent?

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i’ll remove it. There was at a certain point a question about ‘is it possible to go for a 5% margin instead of a 10 % margin…’

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It’s on my list to look into a proposal on giving an exemption to 2-3 people who may really need it. Next stop for that (I hope) is the Coordination Group meeting mid-June.


In the original calculator it’s set at 15%, but I think I will leave it at that for now as it is the worst-case scenario and the more generic situation.

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I would like to change the link for the calculator to the specific one for jet-14 as it makes a substantial difference and the new members need to base themself on that…

@els : can you confirm the link to use is “JET simulation file” in the team finance file (Login – Nextcloud) ?
Could you also add a page for studios?
And for info, I changed the default numbers to 6m2 for a terrace but left 0 for parking space and cellar

@Lee : could you edit your post on small units, and indicate these net sizes

  • for a studio:
    35m2 net casco as the standard size recommended by the architects
    33m2 as an absolute minimum


Also, we said we need to consent to the prices of the options, so I would make a comment that this still needs confirmation.
And also maybe we need to organise that consent :sweat_smile: Maybe something to discuss in our next meeting?

yes, this is the correct file…

I will add the page for studios + will still update the figures to be aligned with the figures of the architects (4370 euro/m2 instead of 4307 , terrace and cellar price) => will do that on wednesday…

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Well in that case, don’t bother, I can just adapt the original file!

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@Sarah ok, but maybe we should delete one (the one i made), as it creates confusion (i allready had the question via Mieke/laurianne)

@Lee : where should we keep the simulation file? in the finance folder or in a team building folder

(there might be one difference though between the two files. In ‘my’ file, you can simulate the impact of highering the finishing cost per m2…)

Here are some replies:

  • Updating the small units post: done

  • Discussing the price of the options: this is for Team Finance, let’s bring it to their attention at the next Coordination Group meeting

  • Simulation file: preferably only one file, and preferably one where we can adjust the price of the finishings (to avoid unpleasant surprises)

  • Where to save it: how about we save it in the “JET-14 final documents” folder? This would be the folder to which we’ll send all the newlings.

One question / suggestion: can it be an option to simplify the simulation file, by splitting the size calculator and the price calculator? By this I mean putting the details of how big each room would be in another file or tab.

The advantage would be that the file becomes easier to navigate for people who are not very Excel-savy, and also that you keep access to the size calculator at all times. By this I mean if you change the value in B38 (to the size that you have in mind), you lose the formula “= SUM(F15:F31)”. So if you would have it in two separate tabs, this formula won’t get lost.

Just a suggestion though. Doer decides.


Ah yes, good point, it might be interesting to keep that feature.
I had adapted it in the original file as well, although my solution is not the most elegant one! :sweat_smile:
I get a slightly different result from yours (4432 instead of 4435 for finitions at 850euros/m2), not sure why…?
For the moment I’ve left it like that, and I’ve changed the average price to 4307euros per m2, to reflect the situation of jet-14 better.
Let me know when your file is ready to go and I’ll change the initial post.

It’s a good idea, as it also means that we don’t have to update the page for the studio as well as the page for the appartments every time we change something in the price estimate. It will minimise the risk of error…


@Sarah @Lee

Good idea => done, internal link : Login – Nextcloud

i agree: better keep one file

Tried to do this: keeping one file, and seperating the two things in a seperate tab. This meant to keep ‘appartment and studio’ size calculation in one tab. I think this could work. The second tab (calculating the price) can work with the output of the first tab or you can fill in whatever amount you want… Don’t know if this will clear for sb who is not very Excel-savy

I assume it has to do with the fees and taxes , they are calculated on the finishing as well.

didn’t really get what you meant by this => have a look and adapt if you want

Let me know if this file is clear, if so, I will make a little post and tag Lucia/Alin

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Will change a couple od minor things, including default values for options to match architects values

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let me know when you finished or feel free to do the post/tag Lucia/Alin

For me the idea is simplicity, so I would take this as far as splitting it into two documents (because not everybody is familiar with tabs). This would mean people calculate the size of their unit using one document, and then insert the number that you find there in the other file to calculate the price.

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I think it might be a good idea to tag reef-exploring and associates as a whole.

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hi @reef-associate , @reef-exploring , @buddies (@ChrisM @manuelpueyo @els @Dave_Starhawk @Quentin, @mieke @RichardB @Lee ),

In case you or the the exploring/associate member you are buddying would like to have some more info about JET-14: here is what you’re looking for: Login – Nextcloud
This folder contains:

  • some pictures coming from the architects
  • sketches of how the cohousing will/might look like (fyi: if you hear somebody talking about obelix, asterix, idefix, they refer to the big building on the street-side (=obelix), the middle-building (=asterix) and the back building (=idefix)
  • JET-14 EF cout opération & ventes … => last FS received from the architects where they calculated the price/m2
  • JET 14 simulation file** => simulation file where you can
    – calculate the apartment you want (the number of rooms, the m2 of kitchen,…)=> first tab of the file
    – calculate the price for a certain m2, which can be the output of the first tab (or you can freely introduce this) => second tab
    => this takes into account the price/m2 the architects calculated in the last FS (feasability), the safety margin they recommend,…
  • the fiche of JET-14: JET-14 - chaussee_…: where it started!! For those who never scouted: when we went scouting and we saw an interesting site, we made a fiche. So this is the one made for JET-14
  • utf-8 Etudes faisabilités et préfais… : plans going with the last FS
  • note explicative the reef 10 avril: presentation given by the architects to the commune, région and bxl environnement

**remark: you might have come accross another simulation file, using somewhat different figures. This file now is completely alligned with the figures of the architects. The difference is towards the price per m2 that is now a bit higher, but the prices of the options a bit lower. It all balances out, so the final result should be more or less the same. (if you want to read some more about this difference - but i would not recommend it - Updated financial estimate - #19 by els)

remark: i am adding a ‘content file’ to this folder, explaining what the different documents mean…


@lee: should the document you made with the ‘history of JET-14 up until the vote’ not be included in this folder as well?
and maybe add @Caro 's simulations of the sun/light impact? (

Just for completeness… Don’t know if it’s all that urgent:

  • the back part of the garden (behind the Idefix building), was suggested to be private to the ground floor apartments of that building => define a price for those gardens as well?
  • studying the ‘how money bikes need to be stored in our bikeshed’, i wonder how this will work. I assume we will define a number of bike places per type of unit, with the possibility that some people will be able to ‘buy or sell’ some extra bike places to meet their needs => price to be defined or to be negotiated between the reeflings having too much or too little bike places?
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Composing a set of documents for the newlings to get an overview is on my list, but I need to prioritise other things first. The summary document now sits in the “proposals” folder (which makes sense), so even now it should be easy to retrieve (there’s also a link in the plenary meetings agenda).

Including Caro’s light simulations would be a great win, but as long as they are not adjusted as per François’s comments (11 am the sunlight is perpendicular + the buildings on the left are 1.5 too high) my view is that this does not help the newlings to make an adequate assessment of the light. I left a placeholder in the summary document, so we can also add it there.

These are interesting points, so it would be great if you could bring them to the attention of the future helping circle that will be looking into this. For now however we don’t have the resources for it, and I think it’s also important to be aware that it is not possible or meaningful at this stage to increase the granularity of the price estimate.