I am lucky to be part of you!

Hi everyone. I am Anna from Yerevan, Armenia, from small city with big hearth and enthusiasm! I discovered that I am edgeryder by my nature. Adventures, changes, creating something new and sharing it with anyone who is ready to join! By profession I am future economist/manager. Now I am a coordinator in Armenian Progressive Youth NGO, creating and implementing different international projects on environmental protection, gender equality, entrepreneurship.  I am really interested in social entrepreneurship. 

Mostly I wanna share idea about carpooling, the community , founded in July 2013 in Armenia!

I am ready to cooperate with anyone , who is creative, active and has strong will to change something wink

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We are lucky too :slight_smile:

Hello Anna from Yerevan, good to meet you. It’s nice to be a professional future economist! I am Alberto from… huh… Milano I guess. And I am a former economist, turning my back on economics as a way to explain the world. Looking forward to know more about what you are up to.

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I had the pleasure to meet Anna

Hey, at 1 mill inhabitants I didn’t think Yerevan was small :slight_smile:

Great to finally see you here, after the workshop many of us were looking forward to learn more about the reasoning behind carpooling and what you are up against in the Armenian context?  how come you started the initiative aside from your work with progressive youth organisation (that’s what I remember)?

At Edgeryders we’re big on collaboration, as you might have seen, so you landed the right place. It just takes a bit of time to get yourself into a habit of writing and engaging with others in writing. Then the physical events are much more narrow focused and useful. By the way hope to see you again in Tbilisi, June 24-26, check events page for details

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Hi Anna!

Well yeah, depends on which city to compare Yerevan to:) I think it is very small compared to Moscow:) Nice message about the big heart and enthusiasm Anna!:slight_smile: I think there are many Armenians that are edgeryders by nature, but they are so much used to that way of being, that they don’t really recognize it. Happy to hear you had such discovery:)

It is an adventure by itself creating something new, almost anywhere. You can join Edgeryders by simply starting your own project or by joining others’ projects that have already started. For example you could have a look at two of our recent projects in Yerevan - the Sky School and the Swap Shop. They both are quite ambitious, have a great social aspect and are run by volunteers. You could join and contribute your energy and ideas and also gain whatever you find useful for you and your future career and self-realization.

Hi Alberto, I think we have much to share regarding our profession. Dear Noemi thanks a lot for such a kind response, I shared an article about carpooling in the  caring for common part. Actually it’s a bit unusual for me to use edgeryders, I think I need a bit time to get used to it :) 

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hi from Cairo

Hi Anna,

My name is Hayk, originally from Yerevan, having lived/worked abroad (Europe, Africa and a bit of Asia) for last 11 years.

Yerevan is tiny compared to Cairo, some 25-million and counting city. Here, to go from one side of downtown to another might sometimes take an hour by car, and that is because: 1) traffic is a BIG problem in Egypt in general, and 2) this is a big city and its downtown and 2 adjacent areas together have more people than the whole of Armenia.

Anyhow, i dropped another message to a post of Vahagn re carpooling. I am a vivid advocate of #SharingEconomy and carpooling in particular, havign cofounded kartag.com in Egypt in 2013.

I was in Armenia till the end of February, but i didnt think/realize carpooling was already taking off in Armenia. If there is a possibility, perhaps we can think of collaborating.

Let me know.