Introducing the NGI Ethnography Team!

Hi! I’d like to introduce our ethnography team for NGI Forward, @Leonie and @CorinneCathSpeth. Both are anthropologists at Oxford — Corinne is at the Oxford Internet Institute, and Leonie hails from the Anthropology department. Both do long-term ethnographic study: Corinne works on internet governance and Leonie writes on migrant experiences of language acquisition in Europe. Both are deeply committed to the ethnographic method and highly experienced in qualitative data analysis.

I’ll let them tell you all more about themselves, but we are all very excited about the project! You can keep track of our discussions here, as we will be practicing open notebook science. Stay tuned for more :slight_smile:


Hello world! Thank you for the warm welcome @Amelia. I am very excited to get a started as a NGI ethnographer. A bit of info: I am a techno-science anthropologist with a background in human rights work. My PhD research looks at how human rights organisations participate in Internet governance processes. Before my PhD I worked for the “digital team” of a London-based human rights NGO and for the US House of Representatives on telecommunications policy. I love capoeira, coffee and hiking. You can find me online @C__CS


Nice to e-meet you, @CorinneCathSpeth!
I am not directly involved in NGI, but more a community manager of Edgeryders in general and operationally committed to other projects.
You will be working more with @johncoate and @MariaEuler, NGI community managers, and the community engagement team: @nadia and @hugi.


Welcome to the team, @CorinneCathSpeth!

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Hello EdgeRyders Team/Community! I am so excited to join the NGI Forward project and using ethnographic methods to explore these pressing topics! A little bit more about me: I am a third-year PhD student at Oxford, specialising in the area of linguistic anthropology. In my work, I explore the relationship between language, national identity and concepts of belonging in the German context. More specifically, I have been following the experiences of migrants and refugees in Berlin as they participate in state-sponsored language-integration programmes, and how this affects their experiences and practices of belonging and identity performance. You can reach me at @Leonie


Warm greetings and welcome @CorinneCathSpeth and @Leonie. Delighted to have you here with us.

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Great meeting you, @Leonie and @CorinneCathSpeth! You’ll see me lurking around the project, and probably looking quite a lot into the work you’re doing with @amelia - I’m part of the comms team at Edgeryders and will be writing some longform pieces on the work we’re doing here :slight_smile:
So, do ping me when you find something interesting :wink:

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Hi Inge, great to e-meet you. I would love to see some examples of previous long-form comms work you’ve done, so I can get a better sense of what might be of interest to you!

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Welcome @CCS & @Leonie ! I’m here to support you with all the admin stuff :slight_smile: A part of signing the contract there will be some procedures to follow for the reporting, as it is a EU-funded project. Simplified instructions can be found HERE. (@noemi can you please add both to the category?) If you’ll have any questions, feel free to contact me!




Hey, no examples as of yet - just started developing them :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much @inge, @marina and @noemi!


Welcome @CCS and @Leonie. I am Alberto, one of the old hands here. Though no ethnographer myself, I am keenly interested in the technique, and we will be working together quite a bit. Looking forward.


You are highly welcome.i am particularly interested in your project on migrants and refugees because I am living in a context in Cameroon found in West Central Africa affected today by an armed conflicts that has forced people to move and became internally displaced.
As a youth leader, I have also organized information events sustainable use of the internet , internet governance in aspects of hate speech, online harrassment and spread of false rumours. I will love to learn more from you and your partner on these two topics to scale up my activities in my country Cameroon to empower more youths to be actors of sustainable development.


You are welcomed to this platform. I am a youth leader myself and I deeply appreciate your services to humanity. You and your partners profile is so rich and I am already inspired.
Hope to learn from you both

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@gentlewest many thanks for your warm welcome! Looking forward to hearing more about your work as well. Let me know if you have any specific questions about my work - I am happy to share!

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Dear Leonie,
Thank you for your time. I and Sam from France are currently working on an MP3 project to increase access of reproductive knowledge and rights education to young girls in Cameroon. Since Cameroon, found in west -central Africa where i currently reside is experiencing armed conflicts, it has lead to the upsurge of internally displaced persons.I understand from your profile that you have an interest in migration and displacement which is research focused… I will be glad to be part of your project as a volunteer and even help you in collecting data and hopefully learn from your project .

Would this Sam be @trythis? :slight_smile:

Dear Alberto, yes @trythis is Sam, the awesome human being i am working with on this project. We already have the players shipped to Cameroon by Sam and we are in the process of producing the spoken words contents on some selected topics on reproductive health , which will equally feature a radio drama series in English language. We already have lots of pictures taken from conducting needs assessments with internally displaced persons from Cameroon, who are one of the groups we are targeting to reach out to and educate them .We should be updating the Edgeryders platform soon about our progress, with pictures, and short videos

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@gentlewest I had no idea that this project existed, it sounds super-interesting! Yes, do keep us in the loop, please!