Let's launch! Making decisions on the OpenCare kickoff meeting

Move the debate

@markomanka, @melancon and anyone else interested: let’s move the debate on MoN to a different thread. This one has become long, messy and difficult to search.



I like the 3 days structure, day1 closed door, day2 MoN, day3 Ezio Manzini ws + our contributions.

I’m not sure about dedicating 2 days to MoN but, even if I watched the video, I’ve never experiences something similar. I definitely wouldn’t miss Manzini ws on designing community driven care services!

I can bring  with pleasure (afternoon day3 if I understood well) the point of “welfare in the city” and the challenging that the public system is facing!

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Sequential == good

We have a fundamental tradeoff. On the one hand, we can reach the maximum amount of people by doing several things in parallel: data geeks might like MoN better, whereas designers will flock to Ezio etc. But on the other hand, we need to learn from each other and share tools, and we cannot do that if, say, Marco is talking about healthonomics in one room at the same time that Zoe is hacking devices in another room.

I recommend prioritising mutual learning over engagement. Doing things in sequence, which is normally inefficient, in this case is good (we will probably increase work in parallel as the project progresses). So, two possibilities:

  1. The @Luciascopelliti ticket: day one closed doors, day 2 MoN reduced to one day, day 3 other contributions, cast as LOTE5 events to piggyback on the communication infrastructure. This is actually my preferred outcome provided that MoN can be pre-produced a lot. For example, this was made in one-day hackathon, but the main graph had been pro-produced; and that meant finding the data, downloading them, cleaning them, and writing the Python script that put it in network form. But I am but a mere network apprentice, whereas @melancon has wizardly powers and can do that stuff in his sleep smiley, so this may actually be doable.
  2. Posponing MoN to the second consortium meeting (Bordeaux in May?) to focus on workshop-y stuff and talks. 

The third alternative, that of doing a two-day MoN but nothing else, I do not really like. I love networks, but I do not think non-geeks need some extra love at this stage. Do you agree, @Noemi?

@markomanka and @MassimoMercuri: whatever you guys do (Lego is excellent, BTW! Who does not like Lego?) will be pushed out as part of the LOTE5 event. It comes down to: we can negotiate with the LOTE5 team the time and facilities needed for each session.

@zoescope: do you want us to look into an alliance with the Brussels makers? This seems like an easy win: equipment is there and we have more makers coming into contact with the Belgian makers. Perhaps you know some already – and we do know @Thomas_Goorden.

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Fitting Lote5

All, great to see enthusiasm jumping through the roof. Like @Melancon, @zoescope and the rest I too am curious to dip my feet into as many and diverse talks and workshops. A lot of us in OpenCare don’t know each other’s work except in “keywords”, and the more we can learn the more useful for the different takes on care to make sense taken together, which is why we have a consortium in the first place.

I’d like to propose a small adjustment: it seems there’s agreement for Day 1 to be meeting-style. Given that Day2, the 25th is the launch day for Living on the Edge conference, we have to consider a broader audience making contact for the first time. It would be great to use it as OpenCare context setting and public launch: an overview on care fails rather than data. I suggest planning Manzini’s, Lucia’s, Marko’s and other talks+ maker workshops from the team here, and leave MoN for 26th, when it can run in parallel with other Lote sessions.

@markomanka the easiest to manage is if you let us know how much time you would need at a minimum, rather than the other way around. If you know that you are giving a talk on the day of OpenCare official public launch in front of a v mixed audience, what picture would you like to paint the most?

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I could just…

I could just present a simple introduction to the principles of medicine, contrasting them with the everyday experience of medical practices as they are commonly seen… This could serve the purpose of discussing failures, AND of highlighting our yet poor framing of what we do, at once.

The number of arguments touched may vary quite a bit, but let’s say that starting from being allowed 30 minutes of lecture on, I believe it could start piecing together for the audience. It would be nice to have some time immediately after the lecture buffered for questions, allowing also for relaxed interruptions during the lecture. I usually get the feeling that asking people to wait for other lectures to conclude before asking questions let’s their curiosity drain away…

I should be comfortable with people interacting with me in quite a few languages (English of course, Italian of course, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and I could even venture accepting questions in Dutch although quite uncomfortably =P…) but I am only able to reply fluently and timely in English and Italian …this should be communicated to those attending… or we should identify some volunteer (informal) interpreters :slight_smile:

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Your call!

@markomanka so it would seem you will need around an hour, Q&A included. But it will be really your call. I suggest once you have decided on a title and a couple paragraphs to describe your session you upload it as a proposal to the program. Here are all the instructions and questions to help you refine it. Of course you’ll always be able to change it, but it gives people an introduction and a way to talk to you prior to Brussels because we’ll be circulating the link. You can also post or link to resource and readings so we come better prepared.

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…I will take care of this on Friday. Thank you for pointing the resources out for me.

I could suggest…

Hi @noemi, all

I could suggest a lecture about the weird ways from fundamental research to “innovation” from a researcher here in ATLAS/CERN from the University of Geneva? He is doing R&D in medical technologies, but the story (I believe) is more interesting for us than the subject of research itself…

How would you feel about it?


@alberto we have special kits plug and play to fast prototype with Arduino, sensors and actuators that’s why it would not be necessary to ask for equipment. for sure It would be nice to involve them for networking on opencare!

We love MoN!

<p style="margin-top:0cm;margin-right:0cm;margin-bottom:18.0pt;margin-left: <p>0cm"><span>Hi everyone,</p> </span> <p><span>my name is Seble Woldeghiorghis and I work for the Department of Social Policies an Health for the Municipality of Milan, I’ve seen the draft of the kick off. Found it perfect. It will be a great opportunity to start this exciting journey.</span></p> <p><span>I have been impressed by the Master of Networks video. I think it would be very interesting for our department ( Social Policies and Helath) not only for the OpenCare project but also for another project we are heading called “Welfare di tutti” (Welfare of all). The project aims to promote sustainable community welfare experiments that are able to activate responses more effective, efficient and fair and at the same time , to trigger participatory processes that ensure the involvement of the society and citizens, making it more effective , stable and sustainable innovation produced. It would be nice to present you the project and find together the way to improve the tools of participation we will develop and that will be useful also for OpenCare.</span></p> <p><span>Ciao.</span></p> <span> </span> </p>

Any data available?

@seble @alberto

I had not noticed this post among the long discussion about the organization of the kick-off.

Does Milano have any data we could use to investigate how the Welfare di tutti initiative is doing? Any conversations among participants, any traces of activities related to this initiative?

Would be great to use this as an ingredient for the MoN4 workshop. There is still time to include this to the workshop.


Welfare di tutti

Hi Guy

I’m not sure we can provide useful data for the MoN4 (the kind of data that you mentioned). Sorry for this, probably later…

Anyway we’ll talk about it with Seble and colleagues in the Dept. of Social Policy.

In the next weeks they should launch the new platform of the project Welfare di tutti, that should work also as a collector of conversations among participants.

For sure we’ll bring in Brussels some informations and updates on the running project “Welfare di tutti” and its potential synergies with Opencare.


Closing proposal

Ok, guys, thanks for the intense debate. Let me try to summarize: I think we are almost there, but there is one final decision to make.

  • Wednesday 24th: closed-door consortium meeting
  • Thursday 25th: LOTE5 begins with a track on failing/unfailing in care. Talks and design workshops go here.
  • Friday 26th: Master of Networks – Care Edition
  • Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th: LOTE5 unconference (for those who want to stay on, it's a lot of fun).

The final decision concerns the workshop-shaped stuff. At the moment we have three things:

  • Manzini: designing community-driven care services. I will speak to Ezio tomorrow, but I guess this can be done in, say 3-4 hours.
  • WeMake: open hardware for care. Minimum 4 hours
  • Masters of Networks: minimum one day

Again, it seems we have one thing too many. In principle we could do Manzini and WeMake on Thursday and MON on Friday, but that would not leave a lot of breathing space to the talks. So, we can do two things:

  1. pospone the WeMake seminar a later consortium meeting, and replace it with a talk on open hardware and care.
  2. pospone Masters of Networks to a later consortium meeting, and replace it with a talk on network science, collective intelligence and care.

I would not pospone (a) the talks and (b) Ezio’s workshop, because they are both channel of outreach and onboarding.

What do you guys think? @melancon @zoescope @seble @Luciascopelliti @Lakomaa @Noemi @markomanka @simonaferlini @MassimoMercuri

vote 1.

We’re super ok to postpone the hardware workshop in a later consortium meeting.

I’m very excited to learn new things!


The schedule

I was informed by Nadia that the conference would begin February 25. I have planned accordingly and have other assignments in Stockholm the 24th (and will be arriving in Brussels Wednesdat night). Therefore, I would suggest that we’ll hold any consortium meetings February 25-27.

Conference != consortium meeting

@Lakomaa and all, your information is correct, but the OpenCare consortium meeting is not to be confused with the LOTE5 conference, which has its own schedule, its own team etc. Our proposal is to integrate our consortium meeting with the conference in order to enhance outreach essentially for free. This is done by weaving the public-facing part of the consortium meeting into the conference. So far, so good.

That leaves the “one day of talking”, the closed-door part of the consortium meeting. We scheduled it the day before the conference because it makes sense for OpenCare  – get the consortium on the same page first, then we all go blend with the people who come for LOTE5 (we project 100-200 participants) – and because the whole Edgeryders team will be running around to keep the show going.

Sorry for bluntness, but are you sure you cannot reschedule your Feb 24th commitment? This would really help a lot.

Consortium meeting

Had it been possible I would have done so. Now I have organized activities in Stockholm before the LOTE5-conference in order to make it possible for me to attend the conference.

I guess the alternative is to hold the OpenCare meeting at another date.

Closing proposal

Hi guys

our Agenda seems very rich and inspiring!

Hoping Lakomaa will find a good solution for the date and let us know.

In the meanwhile me together with Lucia and Domenico are convinced that the proposed program could work very well:

•    Wednesday 24th: closed-door consortium meeting

•    Thursday 25th: LOTE5 begins with a track on failing/unfailing in care. Talks and design workshops go here.

•    Friday 26th: Master of Networks – Care Edition

We too are so curios to discover MoN, and looking forward to meeting you


Closing proposal
Closing proposal
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I like the final proposal as well.

@costantino, is there any action that can piggyback this meeting in preparation for the maker-workshop we are postponing? Even something easy, like collecting hacking challenges in a “suggestion box” during the coffee-breaks? I understand LOTE5 will attract a lot of people…


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Not possible

As I have previously mentioned, it is not possible to change since I’m responsible for a seminar in Stockholm the 24th (scheduled for that date in order for me to be able attend the Brussels conference, which accordng to ER, was to be held March 25-27).

If you think it is appropriate, feel free to hold the OpenCare meeting without me.