Membership: update

Welcome to the platform Marie !

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A warm welcome @MCMarie!

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Welcome @MCMarie !
See you soon !

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Welcome @MCMarie and enjoy!


Welcome to @AnnaN who has just started exploring The Reef!


Hi @reeflings,

It was a tough decision for us, but we decided that we will not apply for full membership. We very much like the Reef - both the idea of the co-housing and the community that we got to know bit by bit over the past few months. We are so grateful for having met you and for everything we learnt from you and we will miss being part of this community.

We’ve had many discussions in the past weeks and, ultimately, the biggest reason for leaving the Reef is that we feel we want to live somewhere more rural and spacious than what the Reef is considering as potential options for the site.

The idea of co-housing was really new for us when we started out at the Reef, and it is really inspiring to see that you are effectively on track to realise your vision of community living in the city. What we take home is that you have much more agency than you think! We learnt that co-housing is very much in line with our ideal vision of community life, which is why it feels so hard to say ‘no’. The main reason why it is so hard to make this decision is that we really like you! We crave to build a community like the one you are building. But where we live is a really important factor for us too.

We would have ideally liked to come to this conclusion sooner, because we understand it takes time and energy for you to integrate new people in the community. We needed this time to learn more about the full implications of joining the Reef, which have become clearer recently, to make a proper decision. We are happy to share more in person about our reasoning for leaving the Reef, in case that is helpful.

For especially my (Justin’s) on-going commitments for online scouting and the statutes, I am happy to ensure a proper hand-over so that no time and effort is wasted. And of course, we hope you will agree on a site shortly, so that the building may commence!

We will really miss you and hope to stay in touch!

All the best,

Susanne and Justin


Sorry to see you go, Justin and Susanne. Your message was really a surprise to me, but I appreciate your openness and I wish you all the luck in your future projects.


Welcome to new xploring member, maria clara @MC.VL bemvinda!


we will miss you all 3 :smiling_face_with_tear: thanks for your presence

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welcome @MC.VL ! Could you ping me when you have installed Signal? Then I can add you to the chitchatters, emergency & scouting group. Thank you :slight_smile:

@Justin_N and @Susanne_P , it is sad to hear you are leaving the project :cry: nevertheless I wish you the best, and hopefully you will find a cohousing in a more rural area ?

Welcome to @Lieven @MCMarie and @AnnaN !!!


Very sad to see you go! Would have loved to see you in our community!

But totally understandable, and also totally normal that it took some time to work things out, that’s exactly what associate membership is for!

All the best, I hope you find your perfect place!

And welcome @AnnaN !


Welcome to the platform @MC.VL ! Great to have you exploring the project with us :slight_smile:
Would you be able to edit your username to look closer to your actual name? This is so that people can find you easily to communicate with, even if they haven’t seen your Edgeryders “handle” yet. There’s already a MariaClaudia on the platform, but perhaps something like MariaClaudiaVN. Thanks!

Also, a big welcome to the platform to @Hilde !
Hilde and Geert are exploring the project since the last presentation :slight_smile:


Hi, just refering to Maria Claria’s post that she created a new username: @MariaClara :slight_smile:


welcome :joy: @MariaClara

Hi all,

Just a as quick clarification: as the self-appointed president of the Ronny Müller fan club (I am an honest fan :heart:), it is me who insists that usernames are identical to people’s real names. It’s great on Signal, but can be quite confusing on Edgeryders.

There is already so much information in The Reef to take in and remember that having user names that are different from our normal names leads to the wrong people being tagged etc. That’s why I sometimes write a PM to request a change of user name, which then for a moment leads to even more confusion. My apologies for the inconvenience :slight_smile:.

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Hi everyone, I would like to welcome Stephane, @StefMPQ who most of you met probably at the last plenary. He just started exploring the Reef.


Welcome @StefMPQ !

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Hello everyone, I have good news to start this week: @Caro & @Quentin have applied for full membership and their application was unanimously accepted :slight_smile: