Membership: update

Hi everyone ! I am very happy to join the exploring members héhé !
Thank you Mieke for the welcoming, I am still trying to figure out how Edgeryders works - learning in progress


Dear @reeflings ,
After a lof of reflections I decided not to continue in the Reef. I appreciated the opportunity to join and learn, but now it feels like it is not the right match or time for me to take it further. You are lovely people and I wish you a success with the project. All the best!


Hi everyone!
I’m a little late with this message, but at the last Full Member’s meeting before the holiday break, the associate membership requests of @SimonDelch, @bram, @Evi, @Caro and @Quentin were all approved. We’re delighted to have you all as Associate Members of this project at this particularly exciting time :slight_smile:


Dear @reeflings , I hope you are well and restorative time in the winter holiday. This is to sadly inform that we have decided not to continue with the project in this moment as we are unable to fulfill the min. Commitment due to complications of life and the new appartment. We find best is to leave the project for now until we figured out some of this complications as well as for Victor to be more on board with this perhaps after the site is chosen (I hope you can take us back if that is the case :slight_smile: ). I want to say a huge huge thank you to all of you and to @Lee especially for all the patience and guidance. You guys give so much hope to the world of constructing a better place, keep the good work and all the best !


Godspeed then @janet and Victor!

Wishing you all the best @Janet & @Victor !

Hello @reeflings,
After some thinking I have decided to leave The Reef. I really like the idea of the project, but at the moment, I can’t give it enough thinking, work and time.
I hope you guys succeed, and I wish you all the best.


Hope you find what you are looking for for, @SimonDelch .

Hello @reeflings ,
After quite some thinking we decided that we are not ready to commit to the project and the big decisions that are about to be taken. Unfortunately, this gives us no other option than leaving the Reef.
We were planning to participate in the next plenary meeting and let you know about our decision in person but, since there are still another two weeks until then, we decided that it is probably better for all of us to share it with the whole group as soon as possible.
We do not want to bother you with too many details about what and why here, but if you think that this could potentially be useful feedback, we would be more than happy to discuss it further, in person as well.
In any case, we really like the group and the idea, and we wish you all the best in building the cohousing that you dream of altogether.
Many greetings from both of us,
Evi and Bram


Godspeed, Evi and Bram. You are right, it is a big decision and kudos to you for thinking it through and deciding you are not ready. And yes, we do need committed people. So all good, no harm done. :slight_smile:

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Hi everyone, I am pleased to announce that @els has applied for full membership and that her application was unanimously accepted. Looking forward to everything that comes next :slight_smile:


Thanks for welcoming me in the group the last few weeks/ months. Very happy to be fully part of the Reef now


Hi everyone. We have been informed that the full members have decided that it is not the right time for us to be part of the project, so this will be the end of our involvement. We wish you the best of luck going forward.


Welcome @els, so glad to have you on board! And Godspeed, @RyanB and @Lea, I hope you find what you are looking for.


Hello @reeflings,

Can you please join me in welcoming @Lieven , who is currently exploring the project, to the platform !


Welcome @Lieven! Very nice that you want to explore the project :slight_smile:

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Good afternoon @reeflings,

Tx for letting me in. I’m not sure if it is expected to present myself a little, but I have not read it is not allowed, so I do :wink:

Living in Molenbeek now, working for Actiris and I like running, cycling and dancing. For other details: let’s wait until when we meet in real life.

Unfortunately, I cannot participate in Scouting Sunday tomorrow, but I’m sure we’ll meet enough soon enough.

Enjoy your weekend,



Welcome @Lieven! See you soon, hopefully.

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Looking forward to meeting you soon @Lieven :slight_smile:

Welcome @MCMarie who decided to explore the project!