Membership: update

Wonderful result !! :slight_smile:


Dear Reeflings, I feel so inspired by your project! The night after the information session I could barely sleep from exitement :blush:
After one month of investigating however, I came to the conclusion that I will not become an Associate member (But if my resources were infinite I would definitely do so :smiley: )
Wishing you all the best, and as I live between JET-14 and MOL -26, I hope to see you later and definitively would love to stay in touch with the project!
Sunny greetings and the best of luck,


Hi all, yesterday the full members approved the applications for associate membership of @AnnaN and @StefMPQ. Happy to have you on board!


Dear all,
Just to tell you that I will leave the Reef for the moment, as it was decided by the Full members that I cannot prolong my associate membership - a decision I fully understand!
I do not feel ready at this point to become a full member, given that I am still waiting to have more clarity on when my boyfriend will come here (his application for a master’s degree is being examined by the university at present). I would at least like to give him the opportunity to meet all of you before I commit - of course I am sure he would like you, because you are a great bunch of people! And you also should be able to get to know him.
But right now things are moving fast, and so you must move forward as well. I totally get that. It’s just unfortunate timing (for me - in general I am so happy that there are two sites who could become the future Reef :tropical_fish:!).
It has been my pleasure to get to know all of you and work with you during the last months. I am impressed by everyone’s professionalism and commitment - and at the same time, everyone has been so friendly and open. If you allow me, I will approach the Reef again once my situation is more stable. In the meantime, I have my fingers crossed for you that everything works out and that you can soon start building the Reef :coral:!
As for my tasks, someone would need to take over my online scouting duties. But not sure if this is being followed up right now anyway because you are busy with other things, obviously …

All the best,


hi @Angelika ,

I’ve seen youve updated the online search tracking file, so i can take it over. If you would have any more things to share on the sites you tracked, let me know…

Hope to see you and your boyfriend back again in a couple of months :slight_smile:


Hello everyone, just to let you know that the application for associate membership of @Hilde & Geert has been approved! Welcome :slight_smile:


Hi @reeflings We are looking forward to meet you all!


Likewise. Welcome!

Hello everyone,
This is Maria Clara, my buddy so Manuel and I was present at the previous plenary.
I explained to Manuel that the timing is not very good for me to become associate member now as I will be very busy with a new artistic project until end of June so I won’t have the mental space to engage in another project such as the Reef during that time, as associate membership only lasts 3 months. I will consider becoming associate in September/October if the group is not complete by then and if you all agree with that. I do like the spirit of the project and realize the engagement it needs.
Maybe you’ll have decided about a site by then, anyway I hope to stay in touch !
Good luck with the search and important decisions,
Greetings to all, MC.


Hi everyone,

I want to let you know that Stephane has decided to step down for now. He current situation doesn’t leave him a lot of time and so for now he cannot commit to the Reef.


Hello, @AnnaN decided not to continue with the Reef. Wishing you all the best with your other projects, Anna!


a pleasure to meet you! feel free to get back in touch when you are ready to join

Hello everyone, I’m happy to announce that @Lieven has applied to become an associate member ! Bienvenue Lieven :clap:



Geert and I decided to leave the group and step out of The Reef project.
it was a difficult decision, but we felt it as the right one.

We had some really beautiful encounters with some of you. We regret not having had the opportunity to meet you all in person during our associate membership. Maybe we will meet again in a bar, cinema, training or just simply while walking in the city!

We sincerely hope you’ll find a place where you all feel at home.
A safe space where each one of you can equally live up their full potential, together with the others.

Wishing you all the best,

Geert and Hilde


Hello all,
I’m Maria Clara, one of the new members, my former pseudo was @MC.VL, I had to create a new account to change my username , so it’s now @MariaClara, easier to identify.
See you very soon !


Hi welcome MariaClara, I will share a link to your post to the right topic where we welcome new members :slight_smile: (No worries, it is really normal that it takes some time to get used to Edgeryders…)

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Welcome (back) to @Laurianne! Some of you might know her because she has been part of the project last year and now she is back :slight_smile:


So happy to have you back @Laurianne !!


Hi @reeflings,

I have -after careful consideration with myself in particular- made the difficult decision not to continue with The Reef. At the moment I don’t have time in my head and in my agenda for it, and I don’t want to relegate myself to being a passive follower in such a valuable project. I wouldn’t feel good about that, not for you people nor for myself.

I wish you all the best of luck with the project and who knows, see you later. Maybe I’ll keep on following you somehow…

All the best,



Me too! Welcome also to @MariaClara, and a happy journey to @Lieven.