Membership: update

A post was merged into an existing topic: Welcome to the new Reeflings!

I wish the group the greatest future ! I’ll be visiting you for sure ! Gros bisous, Seb :hugs:


I’m very happy to let everyone know that the associate membership applications of @LuciaM & @AlinT, @Tinne & @Koen, @joannes and @SophieC have been accepted. Great to have you all with us for the next steps!


Hi @reeflings,

There is no good moment to tell you this but Caro and I decided not to continue the adventure The Reef. To explain you a little bit our situation, we are not feeling well lately. The Reef is bringing us more stress than joy so we had to take a selfish decision (to quote) and take care of us.

It won’t be a surprise to tell you that we are super sad to leave you (yes we cried a lot (still do)), to leave some friends. Friendship is for ever so we are sure that we will still see each other.

We can only which you the best. You are on track, The Reef is soon going to be built.

Our door will remain open for a good chitchat, for more explanations, for a great moment of sharing over a good meal or a drink,…

Take care of yourself,

:purple_heart: Caro & Quentin :purple_heart:


I did not see you much but hopefully will meet you in some other context ! Take care, both of you <3

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Was not the approval supposed to be today ? :thinking:

Otherwise : Yeeeeeeay ! :partying_face:

There was an online consent for the applications that we received at the beginning of last week, and today for the more recent ones :slight_smile:

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Sorry to hear it! All the best, then.

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That comes as a shock :frowning:
Really really sad to see you go, and would really like to talk about it with you…
I have to say I still have it in my head I can make you change your minds, but my less emotional brain respects your choice and (if I’m not successful :see_no_evil:) might be able to help the other part accepting what is I guess…

And of course hoping to see you again and again whatever happens!!

With love :orange_heart: :people_hugging:


Yeey ! So happy to be let in to the Reef world (under water has always been my favourite place :)), even though I’ve only met some of you briefly. Looking forward to change that!


Hell yeah. Let’s do it.

Great to have you with us for the next steps :slight_smile:

After last night’s Full Members meeting, I’m delighted to say that @Laurianne is an Associate Member (once again :slight_smile: )
Wonderful to have you back!


Hi @reeflings !

After last night’s Full Members meeting, I am delighted to say that the associate membership applications were accepted for:

@Perrine and @Christian (with Charlie)
@marij_e and Roger (with Matilda & Isolde)
@Hannah and Jeroen (with Gloria & Salome)
@Hannes1 and Febe (with Fulco & Rino)

We’re very happy to have you all with us for this exciting (and intense!) stage of the project :slight_smile: Team Recruitment and Onboarding will be in touch soon with everything you need to know about the next steps…



Hello everyone!

I know this message was already passed at the full members meeting, but we want to write here too. Koen and I have discussed extensively during our holidays and we have decided not to continue with the Reef. The main reasons are that 1) we do not feel that we have any extra time/mind space at the moment to engage in a meaningful way with ongoing activities, and this is likely not to get better once the baby is there 2) there are too many practical uncertainties in our lives (kids, work, current housing, schools, always to be aligned with 2 ex-partners…) to be able to decide in the following months whether we would join the Reef as full members.

That being said, we truly enjoyed meeting you and being part of this project for a little while - it really impressed us and made us dream. We will continue to plan our communal living concept at another pace, and will be watching from the sideline how the Reef evolves…We hope other opportunities will arise when we are ready.

We wish you the best of luck, we thank you for letting us into your world, and hopefully see you around!

Koen and Tinne


Thank you so much for letting us know Chris! I’m really looking forward to getting to know you all better and to take part in more meetings and activities upon my return from Malaysia in August.


Very sad to see you go @Tinne and @Koen ! Would have liked to get to know you better and do this together!
But also very understandable, I don’t even know how you managed to be as involved as you have been!

Hope to see you around, and best wishes with everything!

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Hello dear Reeflings,

Most of you already knew, I will not continue the Reef adventure. The reasons are mainly financial and combined to possibily moving abroad. Nevertheless, contrary to one year ago when it felt a bit like breaking up (not seeing eachother anymore after having spent so much time together), I want you to know that, once you’ll be settled and more relaxed time-wise, I will be super happy to meet again. I will, no matter what, always be coming back to Brussels <3

Love to you and thanks for the moments together <3