Membership: update

Dear @reeflings,

I am sorry to be getting in line with the goodbye messages, but as I have already discussed with some of you one-on-one, me too, I am leaving the Reef.

I really took a period to reflect - sorry for not being very active during that - and I came to the conclusion that I just don’t have the capacity to keep up with Reef work in the way that would be needed. I also came to the realization that in the end I envision something a bit different maybe, maybe a bit smaller, more intimate and family-like, with lots of talks about feelings and a slightly different focus maybe.

I am still super happy to have been part of this community, I really enjoyed this experience and I learned a lot from all of you. I am still in awe of the set-up of the Reef, of the ground values and the great structure/blueprint that it is built on, all the work that went into that, and all the work that is still going into it!

I wish you all the best of luck and would be super happy to maybe one day come to one of the cool events that you will be organizing! All my best, Lena


Dear @reeflings

Over these past few weeks, Nele and I have come to the difficult realisation that we can no longer continue with the Reef. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time, energy and mental space that we would want and need to continue with the project at this point in our lives.

We wish all the best to the Reef and the Reeflings - this project is awesome.

Jeremy and Nele


And likewise to you! Godspeed.

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Dear @reeflings,

It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to no longer continue with the Reef at this point in time. As I was very enthusiastic about and committed to this project, it was not an easy decision. Most of you already know the reasons that have led me to this difficult decision, which I am happy to share with you offline. I will miss you as this group has become a part of my life. But of course I am not out of the world and you all have my contact. I also still have the ambition to join a cohousing project like the Reef as I am very inspired by its values, so perhaps our paths will cross again.

In the meantime, I wish you the best of luck for the Reef and that you make this amazing project happen!

Take care,


Farewell, Claudia. Indeed, we discussed the pros and cons, and this is is the kind of decision that should be all in or nothing. Good luck!

Hello @reeflings,

Can you please join me in welcoming @Julien, who is currently exploring the project, to the platform!



Hi Chris,

I’ve managed to find my way to this forum but I haven’t managed to read all the topics, it’s a little too much.

I’ve also access to nextcloud where I’m looking to the files of Team Building to trying to understand what’s allready have been done.

Manuel and I are going to scout Jette this sunday afternoon.

I’ve also already took contact with Sven Gatz (politician) who gave me contacts in Jette and at CityDev for helping us finding buildings. I’ll discus this more with team Building.

Thanks all for the good welcome and my excuses for being late at last plenary, it was a real mistake of myself.


@Julien, do not even try to read everything! It is not the way to use the forum. The rule of thumb is: if you need to know, you will be notified, either by name (like this: @Julien ) or by group.

You have a right to an onboarding to Team Building. I cannot do this myself because I I am not on the team… hopefully @Sophie_Beese or @MariaAM can show you around the NextCloud folder.

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hey @Julien t was super nice to explore jette and laeken with you. you even repared my bike flat tyre! thanks. please share your list of places whenever you have the time.

I have started to encode our findings in this document, very beginning. feel free to try to add stuff yourself.

Hi everyone!

Can we keep this thread related to membership updates, and do other business elsewhere on the platform…


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Hello @reeflings,

A big welcome to the platform for @Adriana, who is currently exploring the project!



Welcome @Adriana! Looking forward to getting to know you better.

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Hi there @reeflings ,
Let’s welcome @CaroB: Caroline and her partner Patrick. They wil be joining us at the plenary on Tuesday to meet the group.


Welcome @CaroB and Patrick!

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Hello @reeflings,

A warm welcome to the platform for @Lea and Ryan, who are currently exploring the project!



Welcome @Lea and Ryan!
Looking forward to seeing you again tonight!

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Welcome @Lea and Ryan from me too!

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Hi @reeflings,
Since today is the deadline for applying for associate membership: we would like to apply/ proceed :slight_smile:
However, since we will most probably meet the confesseurs already next week, would you be fine with us waiting to pay the membership fee until then?
It seems sensible to us to get their go-ahead beforehand.
Wishing you all a nice weekend!
PS: do we need to send an “official” email applying for membership too?

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Yes, absolutely.

Great news Lea!

Yes please… all it has to say is ‘we would like to apply for associate membership’.

I’ll be in touch soon about the various docs to fill in…
