Not to be missed on monday: Green Deal Consortium matching event organised by EIT Climate Kic

On monday November 2, EIT Climate kic is organising an event to connect people into consortia for each Area and Topic in the Green Deal Horizon 2020 calls.

Each participant has the option to join one of the 20 breakout rooms matching each topic of the EU Green Deal. You can register here.

We need people to participate in order to find good consortia that we can join in the Areas that are of interest to us


To learn more about how Edgeryders is getting involved and in which calls see our (ongoing discussion here)

Register here now!

Note to self…Our stack as a service for building EC consortia?

I think the approach that EIT is taking with this is a good one. And the ssna here might be an ace if done the edgeryders way. If deployed early enough for conversations to have grown enough in size and richness to create proto concept notes (and the clusters of people around them). But we would need partnerships with purpose driven network-rich organisations like EIT Climate Kic and a critical mass of people who’s organisations can lead consortia. This is something I could look into if we think it is interesting.

in case you are exploring/interested in European Commission funding for Green New Deal for your own/ other people’s projects: @amelia @alberto @hugi @MariaEuler @thom_stewart @BlackForestBoi @pbihr @mrchrisadams @thornet @melancon @luciascopelliti @RobvanKranenburg @frankdieters @lucechiodelliub @costantino @zoescope @marina @markomanka @caroline


Registered. Yes, let’s coordinate. Ideally @amelia at call 10.


Super! which networking room are you going to?

Ok, sounds good. I’ll be on call 10.

@katejsim @Leonie @johncoate @MariaEuler need to reschedule our biweekly on Monday

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Who should show up? Do we need hands on deck or is this more of an info gathering operation?

This is let’s get into a consortium hands on deck…pick a call you are interested in getting us/your own work into.

I’m looking at 10-3

Have some other people (hopefully) in 6-1 and 8-1

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@hugi @alberto @marina @amelia
to get the most out of your participation in the event tomorrow, it would be good to make sure that you have added our organisation onto the “Exaptive” database/ network map of potential partners around the specific Area and topic call in which you are interested. And looked at who else is there so you know beforehand who “in the room” to connect with during the networking session.

Instructions in this pdf (please note that we already have a login and password you can use, look in our login credentials wiki): How-to-map-interest-in-European-Green-Deal-collaboration-in-Exaptive_Sept-2020.pdf (1.9 MB)

@thom_stewart make sure you guys do the same for your org!

Registering for this now. @alberto @nadia which breakout rooms did you choose?

I chose 8-1 Solutions to protect health, environment and natural resources

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I registered for 10-2, Behavioural, social and cultural change for the Green Deal


@amelia you are in 10-2 as well?

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ok, @IvanC I’m going for 10-3, can you cover 10-1?