OpenVillage Festival 2018

sound perfect to me! thanks a lot

Glad you two met, I can see a great match!! Partnering up with Open State sounds like a good fit - I think their experience design skills complement ours nicely… The difference is that Open State Politics camp is for slowing down, whereas our festival is for accelerating project development. Curious what a mix would be :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it’s not - this year the format is supposed to be dynamic, open, and festival like. So there could be a very good synergy between us, creating an alliance and a very eclectic program :slight_smile:


Hi All. I know I’ve been a bit slack at this stage in relation to OpenVillage 2018. I was wondering where we are at this stage. And if there are any developments that I should be contributing to? Would be cool to see where we stand at this stage. Any developments with Open State?

Hoping you’re all doing well.

for now, from the important news - Open State was cancelled this year as they have no time to raise enough funds to do it

On 24th I’m meeting with Ceylan in Berlin to discuss a potential event we could still organize this year in Nieklitz together with WBZ. Will update you about it when it’s done :slight_smile: