Prague is great, there's nothing much to improve here

The second person I found in Cafe Sladkovsky was a young freelancer, 27-year-old Peter, who votes rather left and works as a journalist/event manager in Prague. As with the previous interview, I tried to get people to point out some main issues - and while Jan had quite round political opinions, they both seemed to be just… fine with how things are, in a way. Or resigned? Can’t point exactly what is the challenge here, but the little Czechs I had a chance to talk to would just accept the situation they way it is to some extent, do not feel terribly empowered to shake things up and make them easier. Anyway, off to what Peter told us :slight_smile:

What do you do, what do you like to do in your life?

I am a huge traveler: I lived in Sydney, London, ¨and I am really into music like punk rock, grunge. I studied journalism. I only partly work as a journalist - mostly, we organize congresses for doctors, I am an event manager, organizing these things. But still I am at a junior position

Since when have you been living in Prague?

I got back four months ago, I feel great here. I have traveled a lot, but I really love Prague. There are a lot of great things here: public transportation, lots of parks, it is much more multicultural than it was, everyone speaks English, a lot Americans or Argentinians live here now, I have a flatmate from California.

And how is the job market in Prague?

I got back those 4-5 months ago, and it is really great, and I am not saying this because I have a national pride or anything, but there are just so many events, concerts, you have the freedom to drink your beer in the street, it just feels very free here.

How about the rents?

Not surprising for capital, but I can afford to live in the center of the city, not alone, but I can, unlike in London

So, what is not working in Czechia, is there something?

I feel like the education system could be better, it is important. My children will speak English because of my background, but it is not for everyone, schools in general should be providing this chance for everyone. Also, nurses and teachers are underpaid, for a job they are doing, and I think this is a problem. Czech teachers are mostly female and not so progressive, maybe they just lack the agency, the energy to fight for themselves. They should protest and push for their interests and I would support them.

Do you think it has to do with sexism, gender inequality in the Czech Republic?

I am not a girl, so it’s hard for me to tell, and I live in my bubble, so I do not know about other occupations/. The girls around me are very successful, emancipated, but I read about the problems of others

What else should be improved? How about the current political crisis?

I am sad about it

Why the people vote for the obviously corrupt and most probably criminal politicians to be in charge?

I do not know, but the gap within the society is growing ad it is not going to be better, the populists will remain strong.

Who did you vote for?

Secretly, I am a liberal, but my father thinks I am a leftist

In which way liberal?

Hard to tell, for me education is important, but I also think we should keep the free market.

So what are the political differences between you and your father?

I think the background to which you are born is very important, which he disagrees with. He believes in the American dream of a sort.

Is it because of communist experience?

Exactly. I think it is he is idealizing the USA because of this, the culture and so on, but we talked about it, and he started questioning it now as well. It is a very complicated country.

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This is funny: while I was reading I was thinking to myself- wow, here is a 27 years well travelled person who is so aware of their bubble.For someone to not have an opinion about why the opposite gender does or thinks in a way, I think is quite admirable.

But then at the end I got lost: why wouldn’t you tell your parents about your real political views?

I think he mentioned that he discusses some issues, but it is a slow process for him opening up