Price offers for the special techniques

hi @reeflings ,

The architects allready got some price offers for the special techniques. The only one missing is the one for the accoustics.
They tried to contact the expert @Hannah mentionned, but no reaction (yet), they are going to relaunch a last time.
You can see the overview of these price offers here.
One remark: they have a feeling something went wrong with the offer of Walk for techniques spéciales, so they will inquire about that.
The architects indicated that the different companies offer the same service.
Stekke and Fraas have worked with all of them and have had nice/good collaborations with them.
So what they propose is going for the cheapest.

If anyone of @reef-full would object to this proposal: please let it be know before November 17th 20:00

FYI: in the feasibility study a total amount of 15,10 % of the construction budget is foreseen for the fees of architects and fees of the special techniques. The architects are still planning to see if this foreseen budget will be enough for the given price offers, together with their proper fees.


Thanks @els! I can send a message to the person I mentioned for the energetic techniques.


yes please :slight_smile:

Anticipating on the fact that we will need to sign these price offers soonish, i would like to come back to the discussion we had when signing the contract with the architects, that we finally signed all 5 of us.
My understanding at this moment is that - legally- every board member has the right to sign a document, in name of the sosim.
And as Lie pointed out, the statutes/rules are something to fall back on if things go bad. So for practical reasons i would propose:

  • what we’ve been doing so far: for every price offer to be signed we make a post, tag the full members and ask for objections before a certain date
  • if no objections, one of the board members signs the document
  • on a practical level, I have the impression most of the things will be arriving in team building so ok if i see with @Sophie_B who will sign the price offers of these special techniques people (her or me)?

any objections to this proposal?

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Ok for me, with the added “hygiene” rule that two of the board members should sign the contracts.


fyi, the architects have uploaded the price offers in this folder (@reef-building )

@reef-building : i’ve started reading the price offers, and i have some questions about them.
I’ve created a document (in the same folder as the price offers), to list my questions, so please add them there if you have some…


I’m fully on board (pun not intended), but how would this work in practice?

Also pinging all @reeflings, because objections are of course welcome from everybody.
