Price offers for the special techniques

hi @reeflings ,

The architects allready got some price offers for the special techniques. The only one missing is the one for the accoustics.
They tried to contact the expert @Hannah mentionned, but no reaction (yet), they are going to relaunch a last time.
You can see the overview of these price offers here.
One remark: they have a feeling something went wrong with the offer of Walk for techniques spéciales, so they will inquire about that.
The architects indicated that the different companies offer the same service.
Stekke and Fraas have worked with all of them and have had nice/good collaborations with them.
So what they propose is going for the cheapest.

If anyone of @reef-full would object to this proposal: please let it be know before November 17th 20:00

FYI: in the feasibility study a total amount of 15,10 % of the construction budget is foreseen for the fees of architects and fees of the special techniques. The architects are still planning to see if this foreseen budget will be enough for the given price offers, together with their proper fees.


Thanks @els! I can send a message to the person I mentioned for the energetic techniques.


yes please :slight_smile:

Anticipating on the fact that we will need to sign these price offers soonish, i would like to come back to the discussion we had when signing the contract with the architects, that we finally signed all 5 of us.
My understanding at this moment is that - legally- every board member has the right to sign a document, in name of the sosim.
And as Lie pointed out, the statutes/rules are something to fall back on if things go bad. So for practical reasons i would propose:

  • what we’ve been doing so far: for every price offer to be signed we make a post, tag the full members and ask for objections before a certain date
  • if no objections, one of the board members signs the document
  • on a practical level, I have the impression most of the things will be arriving in team building so ok if i see with @Sophie_B who will sign the price offers of these special techniques people (her or me)?

any objections to this proposal?

1 Like

Ok for me, with the added “hygiene” rule that two of the board members should sign the contracts.


fyi, the architects have uploaded the price offers in this folder (@reef-building )

@reef-building : i’ve started reading the price offers, and i have some questions about them.
I’ve created a document (in the same folder as the price offers), to list my questions, so please add them there if you have some…


I’m fully on board (pun not intended), but how would this work in practice?

Also pinging all @reeflings, because objections are of course welcome from everybody.




I would like to say to the architects , before they return from their holiday, to not wait any more for the price offer of B solutions. If anyone would have an objection, can you let it be known before Sunday 05/01/25 20:00?

Context / History

End of november the architects send us the price offers for the special techniques, only one missing , the one for the accoustics.

We decided than to go for the cheapest price offers, giving that they offer the same service and S & F had good collaborations with all of them.

This price offers were based on the assumption we were going to work with ‘1 contract for casco and finishing’.

To not block the start-up of the discussions with the special techniques people, the architects asked an update of the price offers, taking into account we might go for ‘1 contract for casco and finishing’ or for ‘1 contract for casco and individual contracts for the finishing’ or a combination of these two.

In the last meeting with the architects before the holidays, the architects said they had received an update of all price offers, except the one for B solutions (which they expect beginning of January). Walk (price offer that seemed to be extremely cheap) also updated their price offer as they had forgotten to take into account the elevators. The architects also had received price offers for the accoustics (not yet send to us).


As B solutions was the most expensive one, I don’t see them becoming the cheapest all of a sudden. So I would propose to tell Stekke and Fraas to go ahead and not to wait for the price offer of B solutions any more.

For the accoustics I would propose to apply the same logic as with the other special techniques: if the various companies offer the same service and S&F have had good collaborations with them, to just go for the cheapest (unless S&F would advise sth differently).

Next steps

  • Me contacting S&F before their return from holidays to say

    • not to wait for the ‘B solutions’ price offer any more

    • to go for the cheapest price offer for the accoustics, if they offer the same service and S&F have had a good collaboration with them in the past, unless S&F would advice differently

    • to send us the price offers in questions so we can read and sign them.

  • At least one member of TF and one member of TB reading the chosen price offers in question

  • If no remarks on the contracts, TB taking care of having 2 members of the board signing them and then sending the signed price offers to the companies

  • TB giving update to architects so they can look into planning meetings with these parties.



Also agreed.

@reef-finance : who of you does TB need to contact to have the contracts read?
I assume we’ll get them by mid next week from the architects and would say need to be read by end of next weekend (12/01) so we can ask possible questions to the architects if needed on our meeting with them on 13/01 and then proceed to signing them.

To save time, Els, consider TeamFin contacted. Asking @ugne to coordinate as usual. The documents are here:

@ugne : the folder @alberto is referring to is with the old, not updated price offers.

For now we can only read the price offer(s) for the accoustics, to be found under the Stekke and Fraas folder/Accoustics

You can find two price offers, only D2S to read, as we decided to go with the cheapest and S&F confirms this choice. (so ATC for me not to be read)

=> Can you give @reef-building a sign when sb of TF has read it, and if you have comments, let us know.

News about the other updates of the price offers can be read here

@reef-building @reef-finance (@ugne)

I’ve read the two offers concerning the accoustics.

  • the ‘cheapest’ one (D2S) and only one to read: nothing to read: just an enumeration of the posts + cost, no conditions or anything

  • ATC: much more elaborate. @reef-building : might be usefull to read this for those going to the meetings concerning the accoustics to have an idea what this topic means for our project.

My conclusion is: it’s not D2S who is the cheapest, but ATS. I arrive at 10,200 without options vs 11.600. (from S&F i understood to not consider the options to be able to compare the two: see post).

I’ll talk about it on monday when TB sees the architects



Yesterday we (joannes, lee and myself) had a meeting with the architects about the planning, and linked to this discussion ‘how can we safe time/keep our planning on track’, one of the suggestions is linked to the choice of the special techniques.

What we decided above

We go for the cheapest (stability, techniques speciales, peb and security/santé) as the content of the price offers are the same.

Some extra info

The architects received most updates for the price offers, they are still checking some last details.
Based on the last price offers (to be found in the Stekke and Fraas folder/offres team 08 nov 2024), B Solutions was way more expensive (offering a global service for stability, techniques speciales, peb and security/santé): 158 220 euro (B solutions) vs 96. 560 euro (Matriche, Walk, Coseas).

S&F confronted B Solutions with this huge price difference, so with their update they came down a lot, only being more or less 10,000 more expensive now than the rest.

In the discussion about ‘how to keep track / safe time’ on the planning, one of their suggestions is to go with B solutions, even though they are 10,000 euro more expensive. This will save us time as we will have one point of contact for all different topics that need to be discussed except for accoustics ( so B solutions will offer their service on stability, techniques speciales, peb and security/santé)

The architects also announced in the meeting we had with them on Monday (with TB), that now we have all price offers, we are far below the 5,1% budget (of 5,400,000) allocated to the special techniques. If I remember well something like 100,000 to 150,000 euro (but to be confirmed once we get the updated price offers)

New proposal

S & F will soon come back to us with their analysis of the price offers. If all companies offer the same service and B solutions is available to start up the discussions soonish, the proposal would be to go with B solutions, even though they will be a bit more expensive, just to save time planning-wise (and thus money).

If any objections, please react before 17/01 20:00.


Hi @els,

It’s true that we have still don’t have clearer specifications for our online consent process, but expecting people to find this within two days without a notification in the Signal Full Members chat and without a mention of “consent” in the topic, doesn’t seem realistic to me.

Whenever we have a moment to spare @reef-governance will come up with something to add to the Governance Document, but until then my suggestion would be, even if it’s for decisions that are very technical, to leave a notification in the Signal chat, and possibly also to add a deadline to the Nextcloud calendar.


@reef-full ,

I called the architects this morning, for a general update on where they are, and some more info on this topic.

  • They clarified everything with the different bureau d’études and so B solutions (the one company that offers everything except for accoustics) is more expensive than the various bureau d’études (Matriche, Walk, Coseas).

  • My understanding was from the meeting on Tuesday, that even though B solutions was more expensive (about 10,000) it would be a good idea to sign with them as the collaboration will be more fluent and thus winning time (and thus money).

  • Talking to them today, they suggested to go with the cheapest. When confronting Francois with the gain in time/planning going for B solutions, he said that it’s important to have the PEB and the special techniques done by the same bureau d’études, otherwise he doesn’t see much winning in time. With the cheapest solution, the PEB and the special techniques would be done by Walk.

  • New proposal: follow advise of architects, which is : we go for the cheapest as it won’t have any negative impact time-wise/planning wise.

If any objections: please before Sunday 19/01 20:00


@alberto : could you add another colour in the calendar for deadlines events ?