In co-creative approaches to social impact and innovation, the processes people engage in together can be just as impactful as the outcome a group is seeking. Here’s a list of lists that offer lots of information on designing small group and community processes that can help to foster co-creative impact. Know of another great resources that shold be listed here? This is a wiki so please add it!
- Art of Hosting offers excellent training and resources for blending a suite of powerful conversational processes to invite people to step in and take charge of the challenges facing them.
- Aspiration Facilitation Wiki - the folks at AspirationTech describe processes, details, considerations, and logistics for organizing and facilitating "Aspiration Style" events
- The Barefoot Guides, all freely available online, bring stories, analyses, approaches and resources of interesting practice from around the globe, each under a key theme. The Barefoot Guide Connection is a global community of practice producing the guides and other fresh resources to stimulate fresh approaches to social change.
- Co-creative event pattern language - this article includes a link to an open spreadsheet initiated by Lilian Ricaud with brief descriptions of more that 300 co-creative session and event formats.
- Unconference Methods - To create events that build community, unleash initiatives, and help solve problems, combines some of the methods described here