Run a Facebook campaign for Spot the Future in Armenia


Since this campaign costs money, we don’t want to lose people in the transition point where they click on the ad, are sent to an edgeryders page, and for whatever reason they drop off.

One strategy is to send ad clickers to this like-gated FB page that will sit inside the Facebook page. It’s basically ready – its just waiting for final English copy which will then be translated into Armenian. Under this strategy, they are asked for an email address and a FB like right away, and we don’t lose them. We follow up with emails and calls asking them to register on Instead of losing them right away, we get a couple of attempts to lure them in, with a few follow up reminders. All this before they’ve even registered on Edgeryders! Also, we are getting more FB likes from Armenia, which can’t be a bad thing.  

content wise

Great work @saidhamideh, I don’t know what works best on facebook, I’m wondering about the copy of the page. Is it convincing enough? We’re asking people to give their email. What is the attractive offer? Paid spots to the conference? or the value of coming together in an international community that is eager to meet them and compare notes?

Below the 1st like I would add: “Meet and learn from your peers driving change in Georgia, Egypt and EdgeRyders around the globe”

How long will this run? A week? or more?

We only have 1 month until the event, so ideally less than 2 weeks we need to have the invitations for paid travel ready.

the duration of the campaign

@noemi i say let’s try it for 10 days. we can set a daily budget for the Facebook ad campaign so that the ad expires after it reaches its daily budget. so a daily spend of 25 euros per day for 10 days = Mattias’s recommended budget.

p.s. thanks for your feedback on the copy. will fix up.

also wondering if @vahagn is available to help briefly with doing some FB page research

Hi Said,

I am not very flexible these days because  have limited access to internet but I can try my best. What could I do to help out? What FB page research do you mean?

Reflecting on the question about Armenian sites ( ), here is what I think: - an online news website, quite famous and often cited on FB  - same as the previous one Armenian News & Analyses- this one has more fans among really active citizens because this is the news team which got kicked away by the government from TV and stayed active online since already quite a few years, was and is very actively covering many anti-governmental initiatives and is well connected to grassroot activists.

 HotTV - was quite visible and I would say hyper active some months ago, recently I don’t see them much active but still - the kind of media they put online makes them easily visible, because they kind of mix just entertaining stuff with things that make sense, so they get many clicks I guess just because of that strategy. 

 Vitamin Club - humor is powerful, and these guys are quite good in it. This is a humor agency:) Perhaps being loved by people for good sense of humor makes them in a way influential too:) - something like the local version of famous “Craig’s List”. Most of the Armenians know about it because there is almost anything people may need, for lower prices, so it is a kind of useful resource, but I donno if it has any potential in the context of Edgeryders platform.

Ազատություն ռադիոկայան - Radio RFE/RL Armenia, very influential resource / radio station. And mostly people have a good image of this radio, although when it comes to criticizing the USA for whatever objective stuff, they may back up, because of being obviously pro-western in ideological and other meanings.

The other websites on the link you sent me I don’t really know, but the rankings show they are being regularly visited. The question is - which ones can be more useful, which ones less?

I hope this helps, otherwise feel free to ask more questions dear @saidhamideh

So which ones would you advise?

Hi @vahagn, the question was which ones would you advise to target with the campaign? Either on that list or other groups? Since you are most familiar or could easily check them out, where do you think potential futurespotters would be?

The page to translate is the one Said posted in the comment above: in my understanding it’s what users will see when they click the add. Clearer now? The sooner we do this the faster we can meet new people, looking forward to it :slight_smile:

FB event page is live

should this be the final copy for English? Let’s get the sign off from @noemi before translating into Armenian, Georgian, etc…


Made some edits directly, let’s go:)

Maybe put the Armenian version of the video in there?

I see there is an empty slot next to hackers, artists etc. Could be worthwhile putting in the video with Armenian subtitles there?


I noticed that this English text doesn’t have a mention about Armenia. Is that a typo? I will anyway add it in Armenian translation.

Thanks @Noemi but where is the link to that page that Said mentioned? I see the page but have to find the link. Otherwise it’s clear yes.

Is it ON?

@Saidhamideh do you need anything else ?

I see the page is still in English, you in touch with @Vahagn directly? let’s be tight about this, otherwise the efforts will be wasted… :frowning:


I will finish some part by tonight. We are in touch.

thanks vahagn. once the i get the Armendian translations, I’ll update the page. @noemi, @nadia @arthur: I’ll let you know about payment method to get the ad campaign started as soon as we’re ready.

Armenian translation with still the english texts to compare

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Meet and learn from your peers driving change in Georgia, Egypt and Edgeryders around the globe.

June 24th-June 26: Spot the Future Event in Tbilisi

sponsored by the United Nations Development Program

Հանդիպեք ու սովորեք ձեր համախոհներից, որոնք փոփոխություններ են իրականացնում Վրաստանում, Եգիպտոսում, Հայաստանում ու Edgeryders պլատֆորմի վրա աշխարհով մեկ:

Հունիսի 24-ից հունիսի 26-ը: «Նախանշենք Ապագան» ծրագրի միջոցառումը Թբիլիսիում, որի հովանավորն է Մակի Զարգացման Գրասենյակը

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Spot the future is about connecting the protagonists, hackers, social innovators to their peers. Both those in other parts of the world, and the next door neighbour we meet every day, but we didn’t know was so capable and creative. So we can learn from and suppor one another.

“Նախանշենք Ապագան” ծրագիրը կոչված է միավորել հասարակության կյանքի գլխավոր դերակատարներին, հաքերներին, սոցիալական նորամուծությունների հեղինակներին ու նրանց  համախոհներին: Ինկատի են առնված թե  աշխարհի այլ ծայրերում ապրողները, թե մեր անմիջական հարևանները,  որոնց ամեն օր տեսնում ենք մեր առօրյայում, ու որոնց ստեղծագործական ներուժի, կարողությունների մասին, ցավոք, գրեթե ոչինչ չգիտեինք:

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thanks @Vahagn can you

thanks @vahagn can you translate one more thing?

title for ad: “Armenian innovators wanted”

I’ll have this ad ready as soon as the payment method becomes available to me. The ad will reach Armenians who are early tech adopters and entrepreneurs inside Armenia. @nadia @arthurdoohan

welcome @saidhamideh,

sure I can, here it is:

“Պահանջվում են հայ նորարարներ”

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it’s ready to go

the page is ready:

@nadia please contact me with instructions for how I can pay 250 euros into the FB ad campaign

Oh, man

@saidhamideh, the Man with the Credit Card in Edgeryders is @ArthurD. Arthur, could you get in touch with Said and get this off the ground?

Said… I don’t know anything about F’book’s and don’t ever go there myself…

i can wire you the funds or pay you immediately after you send me a receipt…

email me what instructions you have… Or we can Skype tmrw, anytime…

I will sound impatient but…

Hi, guys is this on yet?

@Saidhamideh do you think we can have an update as to number of clicks or project submissions each day? Do you need help with following up after people sign up with their email? Let’s keep a tight coordination.