Run a Facebook campaign for Spot the Future in Armenia

The ad is live!

this ad will be targed to a universe of no larger than 3,000 facebookers from armenia whom Facebook has labelled “technology early adopters.” The ad campaign’s budget is 22 euros every day for 7 days. Total cost of campaign 154 euros. All these variables can be changed mid-stream. Just let me know if you need it to run longer. I’ll advise as to whether our daily budget cap is too large or small after 48 hours when I have more data (I’ll post screenshots). Facebook will tell us if the ad is saturating our audience.

The ad forces clickers to like the page before seeing the landing page tab, which for them will be the custom Facebook tab I created earlier. I will provide analytics pertaining to how people respond to this ad in this thread as we move forward. @nadia I’m thinking that we can use this thread to relay any interesting information related to any serious entries. The responses will likely be in Armenian and this way @Vagahn can just respond in-thread.

P.S. If you know any relevant Armenians feel free to send them the link to the tab! I’m thinking we might want to do some influencer outreach by sending them the link as well. It won’t cost us money to do so. :slight_smile:

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form responses

facebook ad performance

good trends here

We can’t complain with hockey stick growth patterns. I know that Alberto is interested to see how traffic from Facebook comes to the Edgeryders website. Does Google analytics still lag 12 hours? Maybe give it some time before checking. Either way, given time constraints we may want to devise a strategy for communicating directly with nearly 200 new page likers from Armenia (and counting!), starting with the handful of Armenians who are communicating directly with us via form or DM as a result of this ad campaign. @noemi @nadia @alberto @vahagn

My suggestion is that we go old school, divvy up the list of new likers and copy and paste a greeting message via our personal FB accounts to theirs (or via twitter if we can find them there)? FB isn’t going to give us their email addresses for free, of course.

Another thing we can do to strengthen signals to this new crowd is to write on Facebook post in Armenian then pay money again to FB to “boost” who gets to see it on their newsfeed. One thing I love about the new post boosting option is that advanced targeting is available and we can use the same targeting scheme I used for that ad. Since my CPC rate is only 35 US cents per click, I say we have the money from our pre-existing budget to boost at least one message in Armenian for maybe $30 or less.

You’re right: let’s start with form responses

Hey thanks for keeping us updated!

We’re gonna need all the help we can get from @Vahagn and the community members who are joining in from Armenia: @Anna Meliksetyan, @Enli and @Hovhannes Aghajanyan

Said I see some form responses come in as private messages on Edgeryders facebook page. Where are the rest going? On Pagemodo? Any way those of us involved can see them and how?

@Noemi i added you and

@noemi i added you and @vahagn as Pagemodo admins that way you have direct access to form responses. The time is now to engage these folks. Hopefully @vahagn can let us know if these are legitimate and interesting responses.

it is my understanding from talking with @nadia today that Edgeryders would like to move ahead with Egyptian and Georgian versions of this same type of ad campaign. @hazem and @inge would need to translate the copy in the exact same way that Vahagn did above. I just want to re-confirm this with @nadia before assigning a translation task.

Set up landing page: but manually post links to it

I think it is time to move beyond the personal social networks. So that we are not spamming the same people. Therefor I would like Inge, Hazem and Vahagn to

  1. Produce landing page like the one you set up for Armenia (Hazem and Inge would need to produce separate ones for Georgia and Egypt).

  2. produce a list of groups on FB and Linkedin (search for the kinds of groups likely to draw people we would like to engage in futurespotters), i.e. a list of people who are currently NOT in their personal networks. Copy paste it in a comment below.

  3. Post status updates that draw people to the landing page. And then answer people, message each person, who show up and guide them into posting on the platform. @Vahagn we are waiting for you to please answer the ones that have already come in from Armenia.


arabic text for the landing page

اعرض و شاركنا مشروعك (فى مجال الابداع الاجتماعى

24-26 يونيو فى تبليسى spot the future event

برعايه برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي

سجل الان واكسب تذاكر السفر والاقامه فى تبليسى

المشروع ده بيهدف لتجميع المبدعين الاجتماعين ,  الهاكرز و الناس اللى بتشتغل بره المين ستريم فى اى مجال (تعليم - تكنولوجيا- صحافه - تنميه …) فى مصر وارمينيا وجورجيا مع  بعضهم و مع مختلف المبدعين من كل انحاء العالم  بهدف اننا نتعلم من بعض و نتشارك فى ايجاد حلول وافكار للمشاكل اللى

بتواجهنا كلنا .

شرح بسيط لمشروعك

shall I add a new tab in FB under the name MASR ? and how to put the input txt boxes

working on the targeted FB groups … expect a list this night or tomorrow morning

Hazem, thank you for the quick response. Could you kindly embed the english language copy side by side with the Arabic as Vahagn did above? This eliminates confusion. I do not read Arabic very well yet. I can create the tab, so no worries.

sorry for the delay

sorry for the Late replay - was a bit sick -

the text as u wanted @Said Hamideh

will post the targeted groupd as a 2nd comment here asap

Support your favorite social innovation in Armenia

ادعم المبادرات المفضله لديك فى مجال الابداع الاجتماعى فى مصر

Meet and learn from your peers driving change in Georgia, Egypt and Edgeryders around the globe.*

تعرف وتعلم من قرنائك الذين يقودون التغيير فى ارمينا وجورجيا و فى مجتمع “-----------” من مختلف انحاء العالم

June 24th-June 26: Spot the Future Event in Tbilisi

sponsored by the United Nations Development Program *

“------------” فى تبليسى ,جورجيا 24- 26 يونيو

برعايه برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي

Sign up, and win free travel and accomodation!

سجل الان واكسب تذاكر السفر والاقامه فى تبليسى

Spot the future is about connecting the protagonists, hackers, social innovators to their peers. Both those in other parts of the world, and the next door neighbour we meet every day, but we didn’t know was so capable and creative. So we can learn from and suppor one another.

المشروع  بيهدف لتجميع المبدعين الاجتماعين ,  الهاكرز و الناس اللى بتشتغل بره المين ستريم فى اى مجال (تعليم - تكنولوجيا- صحافه - تنميه …) فى مصر وارمينيا وجورجيا مع  بعضهم و مع مختلف المبدعين من كل انحاء العالم  بهدف اننا نتعلم من بعض و نتشارك فى ايجاد حلول وافكار للمشاكل اللى

بتواجهنا كلنا .

Register to win paid travel and board to the event in Tbilisi!

سجل الان لفرصه للفوز بتذاكر السفر لحضور المؤتمر فى تبليسيى جورجيا




الايميل - البريد الاكترونى

What is your fave project? Why do you suppor it?

ما هو مشروعك /مبادرتك المفضله ؟ ولماذا تساندها

I have read and agree to the Terms abd Ambitions

لقد قرأت ووافقت على الشروط

briefly descripe your project

شرح بسيط لمشروعك

  • because of the problem of arabic english here on site , I put “-------------” instead of “edgeryders” and “spot the future event”  u can write it on facebook it works well .

if not , this is the writing in arabic for the english word

edgeryders = “ايدجرايدرز”

spot the future = " سبوت زا فيوتشر "

FB targetd nodes -Egypt

@Said Hamideh

this is the google doc am working on . they r not categorized yet , what’s the max no of pages or groups so we can prioritize them . also should it be categorized by location ? or field of interest ? or size of the page or group ?

can u comment on the google doc or tell me her what’s best for this

400 new Armenians on our FB page

That is what I think we will end up with by the time this ad campaign is over: about 400 new Armenian facebook users by tomorrow. Out of this group maybe less than 10 have responded with submission to the form. This is great anyway, because they are bringing in contacts who are creating social innovation in Armenia, and they are candidates for travel grants. We don’t need huge response rates for the form submission. But I say let’s maximize this opportunity and not just be satisfied that the other 400 users who simply liked our FB page.

I’d like them to enter Edgeryders itself in a meaningful way. Could we start fresh with a new question in both English and Armenian? The steps as I see it:

  1. We come up with a good question to post on the blog or recycle an older discussion post and send this new traffic to it. 
  2. To do this, we come us up with a 1-2 sentence call for participating in the discussion. We relay the message via our personal FB accounts since we do not have their email addresses (it is Facebook's job to keep us away from direct contact info; otherwise they go out of business). 
  3. It is important that we share the labor of sending the message via personal accounts. If one person tries to direct message too many non-friends in a short period of time they will end up in "Facebook prison" very quickly. With over 400 new Armenians ultimately, I would try to get 40 edgeryders to volunteer to send 10 direct messages over 2-3 days to avoid tripping Facebook's alarm system. Maybe create slight variations int the text when you send it each time to avoid detection. I can do the job of recruiting some volunteers from Edgeryders on Twitter or here, but if you think you can do this then please ping me so that I can add you to a list of volunteers. 
  4. We share the discussion post on our Facebook page, then "boost it" with ad money which then makes it show on the newsfeed of several thousand Armenian FB users. It's a good backup plan for distributing the link and it would cost around 20 euros, which I can draw from the pre-existing budget. 

more potential interest from Armenia

facebook in Armenia

So the lovely @Enli is helping email every one of the form submissions and inviting them here to share their story… many thanks!

As for the big question and pushing it out to the 400, give me a day to put together a material, and then find help with translation. Until,

I would be happy if every day we post something on facebook in Armenian - look for posts in that language and push them out.

I need help with translation!

So I am developing 2 posts to go out early tomorrow and next week on facebook:

  1. A welcome message

  2. the question of: What drives you crazy and what are you doing about it? which will summarize some of the initiatives in the community to seed other responses.

  3. Social media updates

Work in progress in this google doc.

I need help with translation into Armenian, can anyone put in half an hour? @Vahagn?

Hi, here are the translations:

  1. A welcome message Ողջույն

  2. the question of: What drives you crazy and what are you doing about it? - Ինչն է ձեզ հունից հանում ու ինչ եք անում դուք այդ ուղղությամբ?

  3. Social media updates - these I try to do asap, fingers crossed for the connection to work on time.

“what drives you crazy” seems a bit vague, leaving the reader initially puzzled. how about

what drives you crazy about life in Armenia?"

or…? @noemi

also: what’s the best destination page to send all these new users to? and should it be in Armenian as well as English?

let me know if you need larger amounts of Armenian translation work done very quickly. or @Vahagn let me know what your availability to do a lot more translation work is this week.

also I’d like to seek confirmation from @inge and @hazem that we have started translating the facebook tab pages as Vahagn did further above in this thread. Hazem, I just need you to put your translation line-by-line next to the English version.

Page to send them to:

Arrivals page has been translated a long ago in Armenian, so could be a start:

I shared with you all again the google doc with the posts to be translated, I think you missed it in my previous comment.

Yes @Said Hamideh that is where we need massive translation happening very fast… and yes I need help.

is the Armenian strategy still available for Egypt?

given the close proximity to the event, does it still make sense to target Egyptians the same way we did with Armenians, @noemi? Not remembering exactly, but maybe we don’t have the budget to award travel grants from Egypt. I could be mistaken. If so, maybe we want to cut out a more realistic sweetener for our audience in Egypt? Another decision: do we route them to an edgeryders discussion hosted on an edgeryders page or to the conference minisite landing page?